𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐎𝐧 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡. (Ashlerden?)

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A/N: I have NO idea what the official ship name is, but the ship of this oneshot is Ashlyn x Tyler x Aiden :)

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Quick reflexes and sharp thinking were critical skills to know in the phantom dimension. Lacking either of them could get you killed or injured.

Fortunately, thanks to Ashlyn's parents, the group had grown to become experts at these skills, well..

almost all of the group.

Some of them still had things to learn, and right now would be a good time because they were being chased by a mob of phantoms. Ashlyn frantically looked around for any possible shelter or high ground they could use to escape. Her eyes lit up when she spotted a gas station in the distance.

"Over there!" She shouted, leading the group to the grocery store. A detour had to be taken in order to lose the mob of phantoms before they got to the store, the group raced through the trees. "Keep going, we're losing them!" Tyler exclaimed, everyone picked up the pace.

Unfortunately, they failed to notice a phantom lurking in the trees above, it jumped off the tree and landed directly on Ashlyn, sending the girl to the ground with a scream. Before she could react though, the phantom sank it's claw-like fingers into her side, earning a pained yell from the girl.

"Ash!" Tyler shouted, he and Aiden immediately turned around and ran towards Ashlyn and the phantom who continued to leave scratches on her. "Get off of her!" Aiden yelled, stabbing the phantom clean through the head with his knife. The dark creature yelled out before falling limp, Ashlyn covered her ears due to the piercing yell.

Aiden and Tyler helped Ashlyn get to her feet, Tyler offered to carry her on his back and Aiden helped her get on since she was unable to do so at the moment. "Alright, let's go!" Tyler said, heading to catch up with the others, Aiden wasn't too far behind him. Ashlyn was fighting back tears, almost her entire body was littered with scratches from that phantom.

"Hang in there Ash, we're almost there." Aiden said, trying his best to reassure the girl who only groaned and hid her face in Tyler's back. Another minute of running passed before the group finally made it to the gas station, Taylor and Ben immediately barricaded any entrances and windows to prevent any phantoms from breaking in.

They regrouped around Tyler who carefully set Ashlyn down, the girl leaned back against the wall and hissed in pain. "I should've kept a better eye on the trees." She said, scolding herself. Tyler shook his head, "none of us were really paying attention, don't blame yourself." he reassured.

Ashlyn remained quiet, "Ben, can you fix her up?" Aiden asked his cousin, looking up at the taller boy who was standing behind him. Ben nodded and searched his bag for the supplies he always carried.

Moments later, Ben had gotten to work fixing up Ashlyn's wounds. Ashlyn was busy fighting the urge to scream out of pain, instead she rapidly tapped her boot against the ground. Aiden and Tyler were seated close by, both watching with concerned expressions, of course Aiden was still smiling though.

"Good news," Taylor began, approaching the group with Logan behind her. "The phantoms are gone, and we found some supplies around the store." she said, Aiden's smile grew and he gave a thumbs up to the girl. "I found pain killers.. if Ashlyn ever needs them." Logan said, showing the small white bottle with the pain meds inside, brand new and untouched.

"Oh sweet, thanks Logan." Tyler said, internally relieved. He was glad that Ashlyn wouldn't be in as much pain anymore. Said girl hissed in pain which caught the others attention, Aiden looked at Ben who had an apologetic expression on his face. "What happened?" Taylor questioned, Ashlyn squeezed her eyes shut before opening them and looking up at Taylor.

"Ben accidentally put a bit too much pressure on one spot, it's fine though." She said, not wanting Ben to get blamed for anything on accident. "Is he almost done?" Tyler inquired, looking at Aiden who seemingly always understood Ben. The blonde looked at his cousin and repeated Tyler's question, Ben nodded in response, holding up 2 fingers.

"Yep, almost, there's only two scratches left that he's gotta patch up." Aiden said, looking at everyone else. Ashlyn groaned and rested her head against the floor since Ben had motioned for her to lay down so this would be easier. "I seriously regret not paying attention, this hurts." she complained, closing her eyes for a brief moment. Tyler flicked her on the forehead which earned a surprised yelp from the girl, she scoffed and opened her eyes to look at him.

"I told you, it's not your fault." he said, voice laced with seriousness. Ashlyn sighed and focused her attention on the ceiling, "I know, I just feel like it is alright?" she said, Tyler moved closer and hovered his hand above her head, "say that one more time and I'm gonna flick your head again." he threatened, which immediately silenced Ashlyn.

"Quit bullying her, she's been through a lot tonight." Taylor said, shoving her brother who narrowed his eyes at her. "Well she keeps blaming herself for something that wasn't her fault." Tyler defended, Aiden chuckled. "Can't blame her, I'd do the same thing, guarantee you would too Halfwit." he said, looking at Tyler who in response rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Tyler said, Aiden turned his attention to Ben when he heard the sound of medical supplies being put away. "Finally done bud?" Aiden asked, Ben nodded in response and got up, he stretched his limbs a bit, which ached from being crouched for so long.

Ashlyn sighed in relief, "thank god." Tyler stifled a laugh and helped the girl sit up, she shuffled around a bit to rest in a position in which she was sitting up placed between Tyler's legs with her back against his chest. "Better?" The boy questioned, she nodded in response.

Aiden moved to sit next to the two, taking Ashlyn's hand in his own and interlocking their fingers. "I say we wait out the rest of the night here." The blonde suggested, knowing they wouldn't be able to travel far with Ashlyn in her current condition.

"Fine with me." Tyler said, soon after other forms of agreement followed. And so the group spent the remaining hours looting the store and talking amongst themselves, Ashlyn hadn't moved from her spot with Tyler, he didn't mind it at all.

Aiden and Tyler were glad that Ashlyn was okay, neither would be able to live with themselves if they lost her to the phantoms. Though they didn't worry much, since that was never going to happen.

Not on their watch.

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now