𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫. (Benlor)

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Warning: Blood/Gore. Viewer discretion advised.

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

The group had been separated during an escape from a large horde of phantoms. Taylor and Ben were walking through the woods, they didn't know where the others were and hoped to regroup when they woke up.

"Ben.. do you know where we are?" Taylor questioned, Ben answered honestly and shook his head. He had no idea, he was just hoping to find a store or somewhere they could hide out. The tall trees of the forest messed with their walkie talkie connection, so the two were unable to contact the others.

"Maybe we could hide out somewhere.. until that horde is gone, then we can go back." Taylor suggested, Ben remained silent. That plan didn't sound too bad, but it was risky. If they went back, they might be the only ones, and if that horde isn't gone when they do return, then they're outnumbered and done for.

The duo continued walking for about 10 minutes until Ben spotted a convenience store in the distance, he stopped in his tracks which caused Taylor to bump into him because she hasn't been paying attention. "Ack- sorry! Why'd you stop?" Taylor said. Ben looked down at her, then pointed at the convenience store he'd found. A smile made an appearance on Taylor's face.

"C'mon!" She said excitedly and began to run towards it, Ben stood there for a second. He hadn't seen her this excited since the successful mission of getting the jeep into the graveyard. Eventually he came back to reality and ran after her. The two entered the store together.

"Woah.. this place looks abandoned." Taylor said while she was looking around, there were broken shelves on the floor, pieces of debris and leaves were scattered around as well. "Let's try getting a hold of the others!" The girl suggested, Ben nodded.

Taylor took her walkie talkie off her belt and messed with the button on the side, "guys? Tyler? Anyone there?" she said, hoping for a response, so far she only heard radio static. Another minute of silence passed and Taylor's hopeful expression fell, she and Ben looked at each other.

"Taylor! Are you okay?! Where are you?!" Tyler's voice came from the walkie talkie, but the radio static stayed in the background which made it a bit difficult to hear. Taylor's hopeful expression came back. "Tyler! Thank God. I'm okay! I'm with Ben at a convenience store!" Taylor eagerly replied, there was a second of silence before Tyler's voice came through again.

"I'm with the others, we're coming to look for you guys! Stay where you are okay?" Tyler said, Taylor stayed with a smile the entire time. They'd finally gotten a hold of the others. "Okay! We'll be waiting!" Taylor said, she kept the walkie talkie on just in case but clipped it back onto her belt. Taylor turned to Ben with a smile on her face, she hugged the taller boy. Ben stood in shock for a second before returning the hug, a hint of red covered his face.


It had been 30 minutes, so far the group hadn't found them, but Taylor and Ben knew they would eventually. One of the flaws of being separated from the group was the fact that none of them could hear any noises the phantoms made, so they couldn't tell where they were or if they were nearby. The only person who could was Ashlyn, and she was with the rest of the group.

Ben was outside the store, looking around the area for any signs of the others, he'd hoped to hear their footsteps or their voices at least. Taylor was inside looking around for anything useful they could possibly take back to the graveyard.

So far neither of them had any luck, though Taylor found some bandages so that was a good sign. Ben sat on the ground against the wall at the front of the store outside, he'd decided to keep a look out while waiting for the others, just in case any phantoms come by.

It was somewhat peaceful for once, until Taylor's scream could be heard from inside the store, Ben shot up and quickly scrambled to his feet, he ran inside the store only to find Taylor on the ground, fighting off two phantoms that were on top of her. From what Ben could see, one landed a deep scratch to her arm and stomach, the other was attempting to scratch her face.

Ben kicked one of them off and shined his flashlight at it, Taylor screamed again when the other phantom scratched her thigh, it's claws apparently got stuck and each time it tried to free itself, it only injured her more. Ben grabbed a crowbar and hit the phantom that was on top of Taylor.

This gave Taylor a chance to shine her flashlight at the phantom that Ben hit, she dragged herself a distance away and Ben stood in front of her.

Luckily, the rest of the group finally found them. "Ben! Taylor!" Ashlyn said, she and Aiden were quick to run inside and switch spots with Ben, both pointing their flashlights at the two phantoms. This gave Ben a chance to check on Taylor who had tears streaming down her face and blood staining her suit, as well as blood dripping down her arm and hand.

Tyler was quick to run over and help her sit up, Taylor leaned on her brother while Ben took care of her injuries. Ashlyn groaned and covered one of her ears, "we need to go! There's more coming, we were too loud!" she shouted!

"We aren't done helping Taylor!" Tyler argued, Ben looked worried, he'd only managed to bandage her arm. "We have to find another hiding spot if you still wanna be alive to help her Tyler!" Ashlyn shot back, Tyler stayed silent and got up.

Logan had left the gun at the graveyard, he didn't have time to grab it before they fled. He stood by the entrance. "Ben, can you carry Taylor? We gotta go!" Aiden said, his cousin nodded and carefully picked the girl up bridal style, Taylor clung to him while hugging her stomach where an injury was located. Her thigh and stomach were bleeding heavily and the group needed to be quick.

"Go! Now!" Ashlyn ordered, Logan opened the front doors and held them open for everyone. The group ran out of the store, more phantoms could be heard in the distance. "They're getting closer!" Ashlyn shouted, the group had to pick up speed. They ran until their muscles ached, but they needed to find somewhere to hide.

Finally, they found another building. Ashlyn kicked the door down and led the group inside, the building had multiple floors and the group made their way to the third floor. Aiden and Tyler barricaded the door with heavy items just in case any phantoms followed them. Ben set Taylor down and Ashlyn ran over to help. The two had to take Taylor's suit off from the torso and up in order to take care of her stomach injury.

Ben poured disinfectant on a cloth and began to clean the injury on Taylor's stomach, causing the girl to hiss in pain. He did his best to hurry so it wouldn't hurt anymore, Ben cleaned the blood and wrapped bandages around her stomach.

Ashlyn offered to take care of the injury on Taylor's thigh to avoid making both Taylor and Ben uncomfortable. Ben stayed nearby the entire time though, he was facing away from the two but Taylor was holding his hand and squeezing the life out of it due to the pain. Taylor's suit was torn, she had a guilty expression on her face, as if that entire event was her fault.

"I'll sew your suit when we get back, okay? This isn't your fault." Tyler reassured, Taylor hugged him and both twins made sure to avoid the injury on Taylor's stomach. When they pulled away, Taylor turned to Ben and motioned for him to come closer.

Ben raised an eyebrow and came closer, crouching down to Taylor's level since she was sitting on the ground. "Thank you for protecting and helping me, Ben." Taylor said, she left a quick kiss on the boy's cheek and smiled at him. Ben's eyes widened slightly and a hint of red appeared on his face, he wasn't expecting that.

Ben gave a small smile back at her, he'd always protect her.

A/N: these two are so cute :,)

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now