𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜. (Ashler)

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TW: Blood/Slight gore, Angst, might need tissues. Viewer discretion advised.

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

If there's one thing you need to be careful with when it's comes to the phantom dimension, it's do NOT get separated. Always try your best to stick together, otherwise it can be catastrophic.

Running through the large and endless forest is one of the easiest ways to get separated, and unfortunately, that's what the group was doing right now. A horde of at least 20 phantoms was hot on their trail while they ran, they had to abandon the jeep.

"Keep going!" Taylor shouted, the group was growing tired but if they stopped now they'd be goners. "We need to find somewhere to hide!" Ashlyn explained, trying her best to keep up.

"There's nowhere to go, we're surrounded by trees!" Logan yelled, panic basically consumed his tone. The group kept going, hoping to find somewhere to hide, even the smallest spot.

Just somewhere.

Ashlyn looked back when she heard fast approaching footsteps, though looking back had been a mistake. While distracted, she failed to notice the uprooted tree branch sticking out the ground, her boot ended up getting caught and she fell to the ground, crying out in pain when a loud snap was heard.

She immediately knew that she'd just broken a bone. Tyler stopped in his tracks and turned towards her, "Ashlyn!" he exclaimed, immediately running over to help her. The others had been so busy shouting that they didn't hear the commotion. Ashlyn sat up and supported her weight with her elbows, Tyler kneeled down and checked her over.

"Are you alright?!" he questioned frantically, Ashlyn immediately shook her head and groaned in pain, "no, I- I tripped over a root! I think my ankle is broken!" she yelped, looking down at her ankle that appeared swollen and in a strange position. "You have to get up, we can't stay here!" Tyler explained, he got up and quickly helped Ashlyn to her feet.

When Tyler turned around, his face nearly drained of color.

The others were nowhere to be found.

"Fuck- guys?!" he hollered, only to receive no response. Tyler cursed under his breath and looked down at Ashlyn who was holding onto him for dear life. "The others kept going, we got separated!" Ashlyn froze, the one rule they all agreed on had just been broken.

"We- need to find them!" Ashlyn choked out, looking up at Tyler who nodded in agreement to her reply. The two slowly began walking in the direction their friends went, Tyler was starting to get anxious. He's almost never been separated from his sister. "Are you okay Ty?" Ashlyn asked, noticing his tense state. Tyler seemed to snap out of it and looked down at her, he stopped walking and so did she.

"I'm fine, just anxious. I've never been away from Taylor, and getting separated here of all places is just the worst." Tyler explained, in a way Ashlyn understood, she hated getting separated from her parents whenever they were in public.

"We'll find them." She assured, hoping to ease Tyler's nerves. The taller boy nodded, knowing she was right. Neither of them were giving up until the others were found.

Unfortunately things aren't always easy.

If them getting separated from the rest wasn't enough, it only got worse when Ashlyn paused in her tracks and turned her head to look behind her. "What is it?" Tyler asked, keeping his voice low in case anything was close enough to hear him. Ashlyn remained silent and continued to listen, making sure she wasn't just hearing things.

"Phantoms, a lot of them." The girl whispered, looking back at Tyler. He looked up when the footsteps began growing close enough for him to hear, "get on my back, I'll carry you, we gotta go now." he demanded, Ashlyn nodded and quickly got onto his back. Tyler made sure she was secure before he began to run.

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now