𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞. (Ashler)

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Warning: Blood/Slight Gore, viewer discretion advised.

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Travelling in the phantom dimension was a horrible idea, Ashlyn ended up swerving off the road due to a stray car and sent the jeep tumbling down the cliff side. The jeep came to a stop after hitting a group of trees.

"Everyone alright?" Ashlyn questioned, looking around at everyone in the car. Aiden stabbed the air bag with his knife and pushed it away from his face, his nose was bleeding and he was bruised. Ben and Taylor were bleeding from the head and also bruised. Logan seemed dizzy and, you guessed it, bruised. Ashlyn exhaled deeply and grabbed the key in the ignition, she turned the key a few times hoping to get the car started.

A few more attempts later, she banged her fist against the steering wheel. Ashlyn leaned forward and rested her head against the steering wheel. They needed to find Tyler and now the car wouldn't start. "Can everyone move?" Ashlyn asked, she received various forms of approval. "We gotta find Tyler."  She said, opening the car door and getting out.

Ashlyn groaned and placed a hand on her temple, she looked at her hand and noticed it was covered in blood. The others got out of the car shortly after she did, "Ash.. you're bleeding." Logan said, the girl nodded and closed her eyes. "I know.. it's not important, we need to find Tyler." she replied, walking ahead of the others.

They searched for over an hour with still no sign of Taylor's brother. Ashlyn could hear those centipede creatures getting closer, they were running out of time. The fact that Ashlyn was unable to see clearly didn't help their case either, blood continued to trail down her face.

Ashlyn paused in her tracks when she heard a distant phantom noise, she ran ahead of the others, ignoring them calling her name. When she arrived at the scene, she felt sick to her stomach.

"Tyler?.." She said, sounding like she was on the verge of vomiting. Tyler turned his head to look at her, his mouth was covered in blood like he'd coughed it up. He looked petrified, Ashlyn shined her flashlight at the phantom which caused it to cower and back away from them.

"Ash! Where are you?!" Aiden yelled, he sounded like he was heading their way, and multiple footsteps followed his. Ashlyn knew it was the rest of the group, "over here! Hurry, I found Tyler!" she replied with a yell. A minute or so later, the other's showed up. They stopped at the sight, looking visibly disturbed, various sounds of coughing, sobbing, and gagging, could be heard.

"Aiden, help me out here!" Ashlyn pleaded, Aiden nodded and set up a ladder he found while searching for Ashlyn after she ran off. He held both sides to keep it steady, "careful Ash." he said, the girl nodded and climbed up the ladder. The sight was even worse up close, "we're going to get you down okay?" Ashlyn said, her tone quiet. Tyler nodded, "..okay." he muttered.

After several terrible minutes, Tyler was finally off the tree. Taylor and Ben were stitching and bandaging him up. Ashlyn stared at her bloody hands while Aiden hugged her to calm her down. The girl's eyes brimmed with tears as she continued to breathe heavily. Taylor approached the two, "Ash.." she whispered, said girl looked at her. "Yeah?.." she spoke, Taylor glanced at her brother for a moment, "Tyler is asking for you." she said.

Ashlyn stayed silent for a moment, why was he asking for her? "..okay." she replied, Taylor led her to the boy. Ashlyn crouched down beside him, he looked at her. "Ashlyn.. you should've left me behind." Tyler choked out, the redhead girl shook her head, "no, you know I wouldn't do that." she said firmly.

"You're stubborn." he replied, Ashlyn scoffed. "You're lucky that I am." she shot back, Tyler rolled his eyes, he went to reply but was cut off by a painful groan. Ashlyn immediately grabbed his hand, Tyler squeezed hers. "I'm sorry." Ashlyn whispered, Tyler looked up at her. "Why are you apologizing?" he questioned, Ashlyn let out a shaky breath.

"It's my fault this happened to you." she said, looking down at him. Ashlyn showed real emotion in front of him for the first time. "No it isn't, I'm the one who forgot to lock my door and put the seatbelt on." Tyler replied.

"Still, I could've been more careful while driving." Ashlyn looked guilty, Tyler didn't like seeing her that way. He liked seeing her being unbothered by everything and everyone, he liked hearing her sarcasm and smart remarks 24/7.

"Ash, don't be sorry. This isn't your fault, alright? Don't blame yourself." Tyler's voice was strained but you could tell he was serious. Ashlyn stayed silent and looked down. "Cheer up, carrot top. I'm okay." Ashlyn's head shot up and she looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. "Don't call me that." she said, Tyler jokingly rolled his eyes.

"Too bad, I will and there's nothing you can do about it." he said, Ashlyn narrowed her eyes at him and he smirked proudly. Eventually, Ben and Taylor finished patching him up. Now it was time to get out of this area and far away. "Whatever, we need to get out of here. Ben, can you carry him?" Ashlyn asked, looking at the taller boy who nodded.


The group arrived at what appeared to be a grocery store, Ashlyn couldn't hear those centipede creatures anymore so for now they were safe. Ben set Tyler down on the ground, Tyler hissed in pain and leaned his back against the wall. Ashlyn sat down next to him. The rest of the group searched the store for anything useful they could bring with them, for example more bandages since a majority of the ones they did have were used on Tyler.

Ashlyn hesitated for speak for a second, "you really aren't mad at me? I didn't go back for you." she said, her voice quiet. Tyler shook his head, "you didn't have a choice, I can't blame you for that." he replied, Ashlyn stayed silent. It was true, she had no choice in whether or not she could go back for him, that centipede creature was right behind them, turning back would've gotten them all killed.

"I'm still sorry." Ashlyn said, keeping her gaze on the ground. "You're forgiven, carrot top." Tyler spoke, Ashlyn glared at him and he laughed a bit. The two sat in silence, Ashlyn held Tyler's hand and interlocked their fingers, she rested her head on his shoulder.

Deep down, she was relieved that Tyler wasn't mad at her. Either way she would've went back for him, and wouldn't have stopped looking until she found him.

Ashlyn cared about Tyler, after all.

A/N: More Ashler for the soul, requested by staaarezzz!!

Hope you enjoy, I'll be writing more oneshots about other ships soon :)

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now