𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬. (Aidlyn)

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𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Aiden and Ashlyn were complete opposites.

Ashlyn valued her personal space, and Aiden hadn't quiet mastered the concept of personal space yet. He was big on physical affection, even if it was the smallest touch. Meanwhile Ashlyn despised physical affection.

Until Aiden showed up.

After the sorrel weed house, Aiden and Ashlyn, along with the rest of the group, had formed a close bond; almost like a family. Over time, Ashlyn grew used to Aiden constantly being around her and having physical contact in some way. He'd always be holding her hand, or tackling her in a hug, and so many more ways.

At the start, Ashlyn hated it, but as time went on, she became fond of Aiden constantly being in contact with her. Aiden was doing his best to figure out how to give her space when she needed it, but he couldn't stay away forever. She was too good for that.

Right now, the two were cuddled up in Ashlyn's bed. Aiden was sprawled out on top of the girl, his head resting comfortably on her chest while she messed with his blonde hair, she didn't mind the fact that he was almost crushing her because she was barely half his height.

"This is nice." Aiden said, wrapping his arms tighter around the shorter girl and basking in the warmth. Ashlyn hummed in agreement, "yeah it is, but you're crushing me." she said. The blonde looked at her, ignoring her remark, Ashlyn studied his expression but couldn't quite figure out what he was doing, she watched his crimson eyes move, as if he was inspecting her face.

"What are you doing?" Ashlyn questioned in a hushed tone, looking at Aiden with a curious expression. Aiden blinked and looked back at her, a smile forming. "Admiring you." he stated simply, Ashlyn raised an eyebrow, as if asking for more context. "Well, more specifically, admiring you and counting your freckles." he added.

"But you always count them?" Ashlyn inquired, remembering every time she caught the boy looking at her, and every time he said the same thing:

He was counting her freckles.

"Yeah I do, but I can't help counting them again, it's like looking at stars on your face." The blonde whispered, completely missing the affect his words impacted on Ashlyn.


Her freckles remind him of stars?

Ashlyn scoffed, hiding her face. "Shut up." she said, earning a small laugh from Aiden. "Oh come on! I wasn't done counting!" he whined, Ashlyn rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you counted all of them last time."

"You're mean." Aiden complained, resting his head on the girl's chest once more. Ashlyn laughed a bit and uncovered her face, "but you love me, so deal with it Blondie." The taller boy mocked her and she lightly whacked him on the head.

The two quietly bickered until Ashlyn threatened to hide his rubix cube, which easily silenced him. Now the room was filled with a comfortable silence, believe it or not, Ashlyn was enjoying this moment.

The soft breathing coming from Aiden was relaxing in a way, Ashlyn had never seen the boy in such a calm state, she guessed he was sleeping. The girl didn't blame him, with the comforting environment she was close to falling asleep as well.

She looked down at him, continuing to run her fingers through his hair, despite it being heavily bleached, it was incredibly soft. Ashlyn admired him, she thought it was crazy that merely a year ago she didn't know him at all, and she wasn't fond of him. Now here she is with the same boy sound asleep on her chest, looking as peaceful as ever, and she wouldn't change a thing about it.

Ashlyn leaned down a bit and planted a quick kiss to his forehead, causing the boy to wrap his arms around her a bit tighter, he held onto her like she'd disappear if he didn't. The girl laughed a bit, he was definitely clingy but she couldn't blame him, Ashlyn was a little clingy as well.

Maybe physical affection wasn't so bad after all.

She thought back to Aiden's earlier statement, feeling a light pigment of red grace her features. The boy had stated that her freckles were like stars on her face, now, Ashlyn was never a fan of her freckles, she hated how they looked. But after spending time around Aiden and the others, who had agreed with Aiden's statement whenever he mentioned her star-like freckles, she was starting to like them.

After all, her friends were right

Her freckles were just like stars.

Ashlyn eventually closed her eyes, letting sleep consume her. She gently pulled Aiden closer, burying a bit of her face into his blonde hair. The girl fell into a slumber with one thing on her mind: how lucky she was to have a boy like Aiden in her life.

A/N: This one doesn't make an ounce of sense but I still think it's cute😭

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now