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A/N: The ship in this story is Taylor x Ashlyn x Aiden

I had no idea what to call the ship name which is why it isn't in the title😭

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Things have been rough in the phantom dimension lately, it seems like large and dangerous creatures are increasing in population by the day. First phantoms, then centipede creatures, and now these two-headed creatures that run around on all fours are after them. The creatures are big, but definitely not bigger than the centipedes.

And if that wasn't enough, the group has been on edge, small arguments breaking out between some of them often. In reality they were all afraid, nobody knew how many of these creatures really existed. They appeared more and more dangerous as time went on.

"What are we supposed to do?! The graveyard walls won't keep us safe from those monsters!" Tyler exclaimed, referring to the two-headed creatures that roamed around the woods that surrounded the graveyard. They were much bigger than the walls, easily able to step over them.

Ashlyn stayed silent while Tyler continued to scream and complain, he wasn't necessarily yelling at her but it still irritated the girl. "He seriously needs to shut up." Aiden said in a whisper, leaning down towards Ashlyn's height. Ashlyn subtly nodded in agreement and Taylor walked over to join the two.

They continued to watch Tyler yell, the group was growing tired of it. "Dude! Can you shut up for like 5 minutes?" Aiden asked, looking like he was 5 seconds away from swinging. Tyler glared at him, he crossed his arms and turned his gaze to the ground.

Now it was silent, "I'm surprised all his yapping didn't attract any of those creatures." Ashlyn said, giving the other boy an unamused look. Tyler rolled his eyes. "Ty.. maybe calm down? Everyone's already on edge and your yelling isn't much help." Taylor said, attempting to kindly ask her brother to shut up.

Tyler huffed, "whatever." There was no more yelling after that. Ashlyn tensed when she heard a distant noise that she was now starting to associate with the two-headed creatures. The noise was similar to a distorted high-pitched screech. Highly unsettling.

Somehow, her tense state went unnoticed by the group, even Taylor who had her arm around Ashlyn's shoulder. Surely she would've felt Ashlyn grow tense.


Apparently not, Tyler had began yelling again saying things like, 'where are all these creatures coming from?!' and 'we're just kids, we aren't supposed to be dealing with this!' By now the entire group was done with his crap. "Tyler seriously dude, shut up!" Aiden yelled, approaching the slightly taller boy.

Aiden and Tyler began arguing back and forth, which led to Logan and Taylor joining in, and Ben watching with an angered expression. All the yelling was growing to be too much for Ashlyn, everyone's voices slowly drowned out and turned into constant ringing.

It happened so quick.

Suddenly everything became too much for the girl, the noises were so loud, everything around her seemed to be moving closer; making her feel like she was cramped up in a small space. Ashlyn could hear her heartbeat pounding in her ears, her friends' voices grew louder.

Everyone was too busy arguing to notice the girl's current state. Ashlyn could tell they were yelling but their voices were muffled, as if she was underwater and unable to come up for air.

Fortunately, Taylor happened to look in her direction with the intention of asking her opinion on something but that idea was thrown out the window when she noticed Ashlyn's current state. "Ash?!" She exclaimed, catching the attention of everyone else as the arguing seemed to stop.

Ashlyn was unresponsive and on her knees with her hands over her ears, desperately trying to block out the overwhelming sounds. Taylor immediately rushed over to the girl and crouched down in front of her, Aiden quickly followed her and crouched beside Ashlyn. "Ashlyn? Are you okay?!" the blonde asked, his tone desperate.

The girl didn't respond, she appeared to be zoned out and in a panic, everything around her was too much. "We need to get her somewhere quiet." Taylor instructed Aiden who nodded. The two got up and slowly helped Ashlyn to her feet, trying their best to keep their voices quiet.

"It's okay Ashlyn.. we're going to help." Aiden reassured, he and Taylor each took one of Ashlyn's hands and led her to their usual bus. Ashlyn remained unable to respond with her voice but she would occasionally nod or shake her head in response to their questions, the girl feared her own voice was too loud at the moment and desperately needed silence.

Aiden and Taylor helped her onto the bus and did their best to dim the brightness of the interior. They kept the area as quiet as possible while the others talked outside. Ashlyn seemed to be calming down at a slow pace. "Are you okay now sweetheart?" Taylor asked, her tone quiet and soft. The redhead girl nodded slowly in response, taking deep breaths in and out to calm her erratically beating heart. Aiden and Taylor sat down on either side of her, each of them taking one of her hands into their own.

"We're sorry, we should've known you'd get that way with loud sounds." Aiden said, Taylor nodded in agreement and lightly squeezed Ashlyn's hand as an added apology. Ashlyn exhaled and closed her eyes for a second.

Her heartbeat was calming down and everything wasn't so overwhelming anymore. The voices weren't unbearably loud. The noises from earlier had stopped, whatever creature lurking around had passed by. Ashlyn was definitely calmer now. Her friends were okay and the creature was gone.

She didn't even care about what happened to her.

As long as they were okay.

"I'm.. okay now." Ashlyn informed, her voice quiet. Aiden pulled the girl close to his body and wrapped his arms around her, she rested her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat for comfort.

Taylor had both of Ashlyn's hands in her own, her thumbs rubbing soothing circles on the back of Ashlyn's hands. "We're sorry." Taylor said, Ashlyn smiled a bit. "It's okay love."

Aiden pressed a kiss to Ashlyn's temple and Taylor pressed a kiss to the back of both of Ashlyn's hands. The girl felt a light blush appear.

Aiden and Taylor always knew how to help her, no matter her state.

She loved them both with her entire soul.

A/N: We love happy endings right?
At least for now, the next update won't be so happy >:)

I was listening to "Meet You At The Graveyard" while writing this😭

What are y'all's opinions on this ship? I find it adorable personally

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now