𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐦𝐬. (StarBase)

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A/N: StarBase = Tyler x Logan, for anyone who wasn't aware. This is also my first time writing about these two so forgive me if it sucks :,).

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

20 minutes until the first bell rang, which signaled the start of the day. The group was currently hanging around the front of the school, passing time until they had to head in for class. Logan was rambling about a book he'd gotten, the one listening was Tyler, the two shared a special connection unlike everyone else's within the group.

No matter the time of day, Tyler would always listen to Logan's rambling. Sometimes Logan would apologize when he realized just how much he was talking, but Tyler would always dismiss it with: "it's fine, I like listening to you talk." and those words would always find a way to make Logan's face heat up, but he thought it was just Tyler being nice.

Boy was he wrong.

Tyler excused himself to the bathroom a few minutes ago, Logan was sitting at a table with everyone else while waiting for him to come back. Another minute passed and Taylor walked over, sitting beside Logan. "Hey Logan!" she happily greeted, Logan smiled. "Hi Tay!" he replied.

"Where's Tyler?" Taylor questioned, acting like she hadn't seen him walk off, see, Taylor was completely aware of Tyler's feelings for Logan. The boy was always up with her at night rambling about Logan and what he loved about him. Taylor thought it was the cutest thing and she was happy for him.

"He went to the bathroom a few minutes ago." Logan explained, Taylor nodded. About 5 minutes later Tyler returned and Taylor saw Logan's face light up, the girl had to contain her smile. "Class starts in about 10 minutes, we should get going now if we don't wanna be late." Tyler said, checking the time on his phone while he spoke.

The boy knew Logan hated being late.

"Guys c'mon! We're heading to class now!" Taylor said, calling after the others. Ashlyn was the first to go after them, she was tired of Aiden yapping her ears off. Soon enough Ben and Aiden followed as well, Ben managed to get Aiden to quit his yapping.

The group made their way to class, of course they ran into Barron on the way there, but Tyler was quick to send the guy on his way with a threat of snitching to their coach; considering Barron was already on thin ice.

"Made it with 5 minutes to spare." Tyler said, going over to his seat and sitting down, Taylor took her seat next to him and Logan took his behind Taylor. Aiden, Ashlyn, and Ben took their seats too. Logan tilted his head in confusion up on spotting the envelope on his desk.

"What's this?" Logan said, catching the attention of the twins. Tyler happened to turn around first, and upon seeing what Logan was holding he acted like he was clueless. "Is that a letter or something?" Tyler questioned, Logan shrugged and contemplated opening it.

"Open it! See what it says." Taylor said, acting curious. She surprisingly managed to contain her excitement. Logan nodded and carefully opened the envelope, he took out the paper that was inside and began reading it, he said the following aloud:

My heart is so full of you
I can hardly call it
my own.

The three remained silent for a moment before Taylor started gushing over the poem, "someone has a secret admirer!" she exclaimed, Logan was still confused.

Who would love him like that?

"For me though? I don't understand, I'm not good enough for that." Logan said, scratching the back of his neck while he put the poem down. "Don't say that, you're more than good enough." Tyler said, using a reassuring tone on the boy.

"Thanks." Logan said, giving a small smile in which Tyler nodded with a slight smile of his own. Taylor swore if her brother didn't confess soon she was going to lose her mind. Just watching the two made her impatient.

Moments later, the teacher walked in and class begun. The only ones not paying attention were Aiden and Tyler, Aiden was busy playing with a rubix cube and Tyler appeared to just be zoned out.

He only came back to reality when he felt someone tap his shoulder from behind, the boy turned around and was met with a concerned look from Logan. "Are you okay? You zoned out.." The redhead whispered, Tyler felt his face turn red and he nodded, he hadn't even realized he zoned out. "I'm alright, don't worry Star." Tyler said, using the nickname he created for Logan, who in return always called him Ace, a term for the best starting pitcher on a baseball team.

Logan would never admit it, but he loved the nicknames. It made him feel close to Tyler in a way and brought him comfort. The boy smiled and nodded at Tyler's response, he soon turned his attention back to the teacher. About 30 minutes passed and Logan excused himself to the bathroom.

This of course gave Tyler another opportunity which he gladly took. While Logan was gone, Taylor made sure no one was paying attention while Tyler slipped another note into Logan's bag, knowing he'd find it during lunch because the boy brought his own from home today, having grown tired of school lunch.

The two returned their attention to the teacher, a few moments later Logan came back.


Classes were finally dismissed for lunch, the group sat at a table near the back of the lunch room, deciding that their own little friend group was enough for them and they didn't feel like sitting near everyone else.

Everyone was quietly eating, except Aiden who was probably eating the loudest out of the group, he was being nonstop side eyed by Ashlyn and Ben. Logan rummaged through his bag in search for his lunch, but ended up finding another envelope instead. He blinked and looked dumbfounded, "another one?" he said to himself.

The envelope caught the attention of everyone at the table. "Ooo, what's that?" Aiden questioned, pointing a french fry at the envelope. "Another letter.. I found one on my desk this morning and now this one." Logan explained.

"Open it, what's it say?" Ashlyn questioned, now she was curious. Logan carefully opened the letter just as he did with the first one. He read it aloud to the group:

The moon has whispered your name,
into each sparkling star that
catches my eye.

Logan read, did this person know he liked astrology? Certainly they did, because that's what this poem based around. He couldn't lie he was fond of this one, probably his favorite one yet.

One thing Logan didn't know was the fact that Tyler was the one writing these poems.

He knew Logan loved astrology and everything to do with it. He knew the boy liked poetry.

Tyler hoped that Logan liked him just as much though, maybe even more.

Little did Tyler know, Logan definitely loved him more than anything else in the world, he was just afraid to tell him.

Hopefully he'd get the chance one day.

Because Star couldn't live without his Ace.

A/N: I gotta write about these two more often, they're so sweet😭

What do y'all think of the nicknames? I thought of them myself :)

I borrowed a couple of poems from Pinterest lol

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now