𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬

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• Tyler learned to braid Ashlyn's hair the way she likes it, Ben taught him how when Ashlyn wasn't around.

• They have matching bracelets with each other's names and favorite colors.

• Ashlyn goes with Taylor to Tyler's baseball practices and games.

• They keep their relationship hidden, the only ones that know are their friends and parents.

• Tyler is afraid of Ashlyn's dad but tries his best to act cool when he's around.

• When Tyler got impaled in the phantom dimension, Ashlyn showed real emotion for the first time in front of the group, she frantically apologized for not going back for him once he was awake in the hospital.

• Ashlyn calls Tyler nicknames like: Ty, Idiot, Love, and Loser.

• Tyler calls Ashlyn nicknames like: Carrot Top, Ash, Doll, and Shortie.

• Tyler enjoys making fun of Ashlyn for being the shortest in their group, he often picks her up with ease and carries her around while she yells at him to put her down.

• These two often get competitive over DDR and Ashlyn wins every time, Tyler always demands for a rematch claiming that she "cheated".

• When the two are alone, they become affectionate. Tyler won't admit it, but he loves laying his head on Ashlyn's chest while she plays with his hair, it makes him feel safe and Ashlyn enjoys his moments like this.

• After Tyler and Ashlyn got together, Taylor and Ashlyn instantly became best friends.

• Ashlyn often steals hoodies from Tyler and acts clueless when he asks her where they went.

• Tyler carries a spare pair of noise cancelling headphones for Ashlyn in his backpack, since she has a tendency to lose her current pair.

• In the phantom dimension, Ashlyn and Tyler protect the rest of the group from phantoms.

• Tyler got Ashlyn a plushie of her favorite animal and she sleeps with it every night, never letting it go.

• Since Ashlyn is a ballet dancer, Tyler goes to every recital she has, he's always in the front row with the others and cheering the loudest.

• After Tyler's "death", he'd randomly get phantom pains in his stomach while in the real world. Ashlyn would always hold his hand in attempts to comfort him.

• Both of them have black cat personalities.

• They often have nights of just laying in bed while listening to quiet music with the lights dim, neither of them say a word and just enjoy each other's presence, every now and then Tyler will run his fingers through Ashlyn's hair since she has it down usually.

• Tyler taught Ashlyn how to play the guitar.

• Ashlyn likes to sing to herself when she's doing tasks, for example homework or reading. Sometimes she does it out of habit when she's around the others, but she doesn't realize she's doing it. Tyler stops what he's doing and admires her every time.

• They match outfits often.

• Believe it or not, Tyler is a Lego kid. Ashlyn randomly surprises him with a lego set and he gets so happy.

• Ashlyn dislikes physical touch, but Tyler is her only exception.

• Tyler's favorite spots to kiss Ashlyn are her neck, forehead, temple, and lips. He's only affectionate around her.

• Ashlyn's favorite spots to kiss Tyler are his cheek, forehead, nose, and lips. She trusts him enough to be affectionate around him.

• Their favorite thing to do together is watch movies while bundled under warm blankets.

• Ashlyn often yaps about her interests to Tyler and he just listens with a content look on his face. Same goes for Tyler, he can yap about baseball or his other interests and Ashlyn will sit there and listen.

• In the phantom dimension, Tyler once fist fought a phantom and won, simply because the phantom injured Ashlyn.

• Tyler's mom adores Ashlyn and Ashlyn's parents(her mom specifically) adore Tyler.

• Believe it or not, Ashlyn's father and Tyler often bond over their shared intention to keep Ashlyn safe.

• Arcade dates are a must with these two, Tyler beat her ONCE while playing DDR and bragged about it to the group for a week, Ashlyn rolled her eyes every time he mentioned it.

• Both of them have extremely soft hair.

• Tyler always makes sure to avoid loud areas or noises when he and Ashlyn are out anywhere, since he knows her hearing is extremely sensitive.

• They often make letters that consist of love poems and notes for each other but are too shy to give them to one another, so they have them stored in boxes.

A/N: Okay ngl.. these were fun to write😭 even if these two hardly get along in the comic, they're cute together

Please note some of these might not be exactly accurate, I tried my best :,)

Aidlyn headcannons coming soon!!

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now