𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬. (Taygan)

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A/N: Taygan = Taylor and Logan :)
These two deserve some attention, they're so underrated.

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Taylor opened the front door, immediately greeted by the sight of the slightly shorter boy holding a bag in his hands.

"Hi Logan!" Taylor greeted excitedly with a smile, her smile was so contagious that Logan couldn't help but smile back. "Hello Tay!" he returned the greeting. The slightly taller girl stepped aside to let him in, "come on in!" she exclaimed.

Logan smiled once more and walked in, Taylor shut the door behind him. "Tyler and my mom are out at the store so we're alone for a few hours." She said, making her way to the kitchen.

The two of them had made plans the day before to make cookies, sort of a baking date if you will. "You have everything right?" Taylor pondered, looking back at Logan who nodded his head and held up the bag. "Yeah I do." he replied.

The taller girl smiles brightly and gestured for him to place everything on the counter, Logan took the supplies out of the bag, putting them on the counter. "I already washed the baking pan and whatever else we're using!" Taylor said, pointing at the clean dishes nearby.

Logan nodded with a small smile, "that was sweet of you." he said, making Taylor smile. "I figured it'd be easier if I did." she stated. The two of them began looking up recipes they could try with the ingredients they had, only two could be found though so they got to work sooner than expected.

"How did you get so good at this?" Taylor asked, watching Logan prepare everything with precision, the boy shrugged slightly. "I used to bake with my grandparents.." he muttered out sheepishly, the unintentional compliment made him happy. "Woah." Taylor said, astonished.

Logan was so lucky to have amazing grandparents.

"What else did they teach you?" She questioned, rolling out the dough for the next batch, with help from Logan of course. Taylor had never baked anything without her mother's help.

"Well.. I mean, they taught be basic things. How to cook, bake, do laundry, they even taught me how to plant my own flowers instead of just watering them." Logan ranted, listing a few of the things his grandparents did for him.

"Wow, your grandparents are amazing people hun.” Taylor said, obviously happy for the boy. She knew of his past and the fact that his own parents didn't want him, so his grandparents stepped up to raise him. Logan smiled and hummed, "yeah they are.. I love them." he said.

The girl smiled and placed a quick peck on his temple, "I'm happy for you." she said with a smile, turning back to shaping the dough for cookies. Logan smiled with flustered cheeks, he placed the first batch of cookies in the oven and set the temperature to the correct number.

"What do you wanna do while we wait?" Taylor asked, looking down at the shorter boy. Logan stayed silent in thought for a moment, "maybe watch a movie?" he suggested, receiving a nod from Taylor. A movie was a great idea. The two made their way to the living room, taking their seats on the couch.

Taylor leaned over and grabbed the remote from the table, she turned on the tv. "What are we going to watch Tay?" Logan questioned, flicking his gaze from the TV in front of them to the girl beside him. The taller girl smiled, "you'll see." she replied.

Nothing else was said, Logan just watched Taylor do whatever she was doing on the tv. His eyes lit up in recognition when a space documentary began playing on the tv, he looked up at Taylor who only smiled once more at him.

Taylor was one of the only people who knew about his space documentary obsession.

"Are you sure? I know they get kinda boring.." Logan said, he didn't want to bore her with his interests. Taylor only nodded, waving her hand dismissively. "I'm more than happy to watch someone you enjoy hun." she assured, Logan smiled and rested his head on her shoulder. They had a good minute or so before the first batch was done anyway.

About 10 minutes later, the timer dinged, which meant the first batch was done. Taylor got up and walked into the kitchen, she put on one of the oven mitts and opened the oven door. Carefully, she took out the pan with warm cookies on it.

The girl smiled and began to carefully take them off with a spatula, she then proceeded to put the second batch on the pan so they could bake. Logan had taught her how to do all of this before they started baking the first batch, she was a quick learner due to being in the mechanics club. She closed the oven door and set another timer.

"First batch is done!" she announced once she entered the living room, Taylor took her seat beside Logan who immediately rested his head on her shoulder again. "You remember what I told you right?" he asked, earning a sound of confirmation in reply.

They were mid-documentary by now, both of them were falling asleep but trying to hold onto their strings of consciousness for the sake of avoiding burnt cookies. "This second batch needs to hurry up." Taylor sleepily mumbled out, dragging the "u". Logan nodded in agreement, he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

Suddenly, the timer dinged, which jolted both of them awake immediately. "Finally!" Taylor exclaimed, getting up and going into the kitchen. She repeated the same process as last time, but this was the last batch, and since she was half asleep still, the poor girl ended up burning her hand on the pan.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed, yanking her hand away and looking at it. Sure enough, a blister was starting to form. Tears brimmed her eyes, it hurt a lot. Logan came running in seconds later, "what happened?! are you okay?!" he asked frantically, clearly concerned.

Taylor turned to him and showed him her hand, Logan's expression went from frantic to sympathetic. "That looks painful.." he said, walking over to the fridge, "may I?" he gestured towards the handle. Logan didn't wanna seem rude, this wasn't his house after all.

Taylor nodded and Logan opened the freezer door, he grabbed an ice pack and wrapped some paper towel around it so it wouldn't make the burn any worse. "I told you to be careful." Logan muttered, gently placing the ice pack over Taylor's hand which made the girl hiss in pain.

"I was being careful! I think I was half asleep.." Taylor defended, glancing at the cookies sitting on the pan. "As long as you're okay." Logan replied, taking the cookies off the pan with the spatula. Taylor looked at her hand, the ice pack was definitely helping. "Want one? The first batch is cooled off." Logan offered, holding a cookie out to Taylor who happily took it with a small smile, "thank you." she said, the smaller boy nodded in response.

Both of them took a bite out of their cookies. "Mmm.. these are good!" Taylor exclaimed, not even bothered by the burn mark anymore. "We did a good job huh?" Logan joked, earning a nod of agreement from Taylor.

The two spent the rest of the evening enjoying their homemade cookies and watching the rest of the space documentary. Once the documentary was over, they decided a nap was a great idea.

They ended up falling asleep on the couch, Taylor laying on top of Logan with her head on his chest, and Logan had his arms wrapped around her. A blanket was covering the two of them, keeping them nice and warm.

A/N: This was definitely different than what I normally see.. but I love it, they're so sweet :,)

Will definitely be writing more about these two!! I have more oneshots for y'all coming soon as well >:)

What do y'all think of these two?

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now