𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. (Taylyn)

542 21 7

A/N: They're aged up to around 16-17 in this one :)

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

9 in the morning was too early in most people's opinions, but for Ashlyn and Taylor, it was perfect. Ashlyn was the first to wake up, the early morning sun illuminated her room.

And the girl sleeping peacefully in bed beside her.

Ashlyn's breath was almost taken away by the sight. The golden sunlight highlighted Taylor's features, she looked heavenly in Ashlyn's opinion.

A small smile made an appearance on Ashlyn's face, she slowly leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss against Taylor's forehead, staying there for a few seconds before pulling away and cupping the side of the girls face.

The shorter girl took a moment to admire her beautiful lover, their faces inches apart. Ashlyn slowly rubbed her thumb across Taylor's cheek.

It was as if Ashlyn fell in love all over again.

She stayed there for a few more minutes before carefully maneuvering her way out of bed, trying to avoiding waking Taylor up. The girl successfully got out of bed and made her way downstairs, her parents were out of town for work so the girls had Ashlyn's house to themselves.

Ashlyn decided to make breakfast for the both of them, suddenly craving some French toast and fruit. She grabbed the ingredients for the French toast, as well as some fruit from the refrigerator. She grabbed strawberries, her favorite, and blueberries, Taylor's favorite.

The girl began to cook breakfast, quietly humming a song to herself. She'd been so distracted that she hadn't noticed the taller figure creeping up behind her.

Well, until said figured snaked their arms around the smaller girls waist from behind. Ashlyn froze for a second, until she realized the tall figure was a sleepy Taylor. "Morning sleepyhead." Ashlyn teased, earning a quiet whine in response.

Taylor buried her face in Ashlyn's long hair that for once wasn't in two braids, but loose and flowing. Their height difference allowed Taylor to easily tower over the girl. Seems like the only one who hadn't grown in height had been Ashlyn, out of the entire group.

"Morning.." Taylor mumbled, it was clear she was still tired. Ashlyn smiled a bit and went back to cooking, unaware that Taylor was watching. The shorter girl felt Taylor's thumbs rubbing against the sides of her waist.

"Sleep well?" Ashlyn questioned, earning a hum from the taller girl. "Still tired." Taylor said simply. "Why don't we go back to bed after we eat? We've got all day."

That idea sounded perfect to Taylor, spending the entire day curled up in Ashlyn's warm bed with said girl. "Yes please." she said in response. "Anything for you pretty girl." Ashlyn said, continuing to cook breakfast for them.

That nickname was probably Taylor's favorite.

About 15 minutes later, breakfast was finally done. Ashlyn moved on to cutting up the strawberries and decorating Taylor's plate with blueberries. Said girl's face lit up when she caught sight of her favorite fruit, which caused Ashlyn to laugh a bit.

They moved over to the dining room table and Taylor sat down, the shorter girl proceeded to place Taylor's breakfast down in front of her. Then poured her a glass of orange juice, Ashlyn placed a gentle kiss against Taylor's temple before sitting down in a chair beside the girl.

"You know me so well." Taylor exclaimed, happily digging into her breakfast. Ashlyn chuckled, "well of course I do, I'm your girlfriend." she replied, earning a sweet smile from the taller girl.

The two ate their breakfast in a comfortable silence, though it was clear they were both still tired. After eating, Ashlyn cleaned up the kitchen and their dishes, Taylor waited patiently for the girl to be done.

Finally, Ashlyn finished cleaning and the two made their way back upstairs to Ashlyn's room. The redhead girl lay down on the bed and moved the covers, her arms open with a small smile on her face; a clear invitation for Taylor to join her.

The brunette gladly accepted the invitation and climbed into bed, she lay down beside Ashlyn and rested her head on the shorter girl's chest. Ashlyn wrapped her arms around Taylor and brought one hand up to slowly run her fingers through the girl's hair.

Ashlyn placed another kiss against Taylor's forehead, silently admiring the girl who looked like she was seconds away from dozing off. Her eyes were half open and she was breathing slowly, clearly relaxed but she appeared to be holding onto her thread of consciousness.

Taking note of this attempt, Ashlyn laughed quietly, "go to sleep darling, I've got you." she reassured, that was all Taylor needed to hear before she closed her eyes and let sleep consume her.

Ashlyn continued to run her fingers through Taylor's long hair, but she brought her free hand down and began to rub soothing circles on the girl's back, getting rid of any tense spots she can find. Taylor smiled softly and moved herself closer to Ashlyn, basking in the warmth that the smaller girl provided.

The covers were barely over them both, so Ashlyn carefully reached over and grabbed the edges of the large blanket, she pulled it over both of them. The morning sun was still shining down on both of them, but it didn't bother them at all.

In fact, Ashlyn was loving it right now, the golden sunlight gently lit up Taylor's features, the sight was amazing. She was relaxed, her long hair rested against her back and the sides of her face. Her breathing was slow and soft, and she was warm. Ashlyn never wanted to leave this moment.

She could feel the exhaustion slowly taking over her, Ashlyn's eyes began to flutter open and closed, she was clearly fighting to stay awake but losing. Eventually, she decided to give in and let sleep consume her. Though before she fully fell asleep, she whispered these words to the girl she loved with her entire heart.

"You mean everything to me, I love you pretty girl."

And with that, she fully fell asleep. The girl she adored sleeping peacefully in her arms. This was everything they needed, just the two of them.

They meant the entire universe to each other.

A/N: Okay this one was absolutely adorable, I need this in my life😭

Giving you guys some wholesomeness before the angst begins. 😈

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now