𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲. (Taylyn)

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A/N: Part two of 'Crushing Reality' :)

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

The clock hit midnight and the dimensions switched, the parents and their kids grew dizzy. "Taylor!" Tyler's voice could be heard from inside the bus, his mother got up and immediately rushed to see what was going on, as well as the other parents.

Inside the bus, Tyler was holding onto his sister, shaking her in attempts to wake her up. "Wake up, wake up!" The boy pleaded, holding onto his sister for dear life. Meanwhile Taylor was unresponsive, she was shaking and twitching violently, her eyes had changed from brown to black and were blown wide; it was a disturbing sight.

"What do we do?! Taylor!" Tyler shouted, on the verge of tears. He'd never be able to live with himself if he lost his sister because he was unable to protect her. "MOM!" The boy yelled, his mother came running in mere seconds later. "Tyler!" she said, rushing to her son's side while she checked on her daughter.

"Taylor, sweetheart??" Mrs. Hernández asked frantically, taking hold of her daughter's hand. Mr. Banner quickly picked the girl up, "hey! what are you doing with my daughter?!"

Mr. Banner turned around while holding the girl in his arms, "we need to get her to a hospital!" the man explained, running out of the bus. Tyler's mother looked anxious and worried, she reached for the phone in her pocket, aiming to call for her husband and tell him what happened.

Except her husband wasn't here anymore, that thought hit her like a freight train. Memories of the whole incident played in her mind, only disrupted when Tyler grabbed his mom's sleeve, somewhat pulling her. "Mom!" Tyler pleaded, his mother turned to look at him, he was shaking and looked terrified.

The two stood there for a moment before Mrs. Hernández took hold of her son's hand, "I'm here, sweetheart. Let's go." she said, the two made their way out of the bus and followed everyone else.


At the hospital, Taylor had been immediately rushed into a room and everyone else was anxiously waiting in the waiting room for any updates on the girl. Ashlyn isolated herself from everyone else, sitting a few chairs down from the others with her legs bundled close to her chest.

She was quiet and her hoodie was over her head, making her face difficult to see. Ashlyn felt an overwhelming sense of guilt, she should've gone back. But she knows that if she did go back, they'd all be dead and everything they've been through would've been for nothing.

Ashlyn looked up when she heard someone sit down next to her, she turned her head to see it was Tyler. The girl tensed and immediately looked forward, of all people to face right now why did it have to be the brother of the girl she loved who was probably dying in this hospital.

"Ash, look at me." Tyler said, it was difficult for Ashlyn to tell how he was feeling because his voice was dull, his expression was blank. He looked like he wasn't feeling anything. The girl hesitantly lifted her head and looked at him, he looked exhausted, but she probably looked similar so she couldn't say much.

"It took me a while, but I understand why you didn't go back. You couldn't, we'd all be dead if you did. So... I want you to know that what happened isn't your fault, and I don't blame you.. well, not anymore. Okay?" Tyler explained, Ashlyn was a bit surprised; he was never one for emotions, and they barely got along.

"I'm still sorry." Ashlyn said, her voice quiet and laced with pain. She was trying to hard to keep her voice from breaking, that specific pain you feel when you're trying to keep yourself from crying erupted in her throat.

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now