𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬

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A/N: Y'all are probably going to see a lot of these two.. I love them sm

• Taylor drags Ashlyn along with her to mechanics club meetings during the day, Ash is always reluctant to go and acts like she hates it, but in reality she doesn't mind it and admires Taylor from afar.

• Ashlyn often carries a variety of fidgets in her bag for Taylor in case the girl gets bored or anxious during the day. Ash picked up on Taylor's fidgeting habit when they first met.

• Taylor often practices make-up on Ashlyn and the girl just tolerates it because she finds Taylor's concentrated expressions endearing.

• Ashlyn only allows two people to braid her hair, Taylor and Ben, they're the only ones who know how to do it the way she likes it. Though she allows Taylor more often than Ben.

• In the phantom dimension, Ashlyn carries hair ties in her pockets just in case Taylor needs one in times of trouble.

• After Tyler “died” in the phantom dimension, Ashlyn knew it badly affected Taylor and she allows the girl to hug the life out of her whenever she needs to.

• After discovering that Ashlyn does ballet, Taylor grew fascinated and begged the girl to teach her. It took a shit ton of convincing, but Ashlyn finally gave in and taught Taylor some basic ballet dances.

• Ashlyn is unfortunately prone to nightmares regarding the phantom dimension and those nightmares are often accompanied by loud phantom noises.

• ⬆️During one of these nightmares, Taylor happened to be spending the night at Ashlyn's house and the two were cuddled together while they slept. When Ashlyn jolted awake with tears brimming her eyes and her breathing unsteady, Taylor was quick to comfort her with sweet phrases such as: “it's okay, I'm here love.. just breathe.” or “you're okay, you're safe”.

• Taylor carries a spare pair of earplugs for Ashlyn just in case she ever loses her current set or forgets her noise cancelling headphones.

• Tyler often teases Taylor about her relationship with Ashlyn and Taylor throws pillows at him and tells him to stop. Tyler only does it as a joke though, no harm intended.

• In the phantom dimension, after successfully getting the jeep into the graveyard, Ashlyn took a small nap to recover after nearly passing out and Taylor ended up catching her. Let's just say Taylor was a body pillow for nearly an hour, she didn't mind at all.

• At school, Ashlyn often has trouble socializing and Taylor is always there to get her out of situations where she has to talk to other people or gets stuck in a crowd.

• These two have (almost) matching everything, courtesy of Taylor. They have matching bracelets, couple shirts, pajamas, school outfits.. you name it, I guarantee they have it😭

• The boys in their group, plus their parents, were the only ones who knew of their relationship until they went public after about 3 months of being together. Any homophobic remarks they received were taken care of by Ben, Tyler, and Aiden.

• I kid you not when I tell you that Ashlyn secretly LOVES playing with Taylor's hair, it's incredibly soft for some reason. Taylor often falls asleep when the two are cuddled up on the couch or each other's beds and Ashlyn is running her fingers through the girl's hair.

• Ashlyn took French classes when she was younger just for fun, she had an interest in the language for a while and actually learned quite a bit, she isn't fluent but she can speak a good amount.

• Taylor often calls Ashlyn nicknames such as: Love, Sweetheart, Honey, and/or Baby

• Ashlyn often calls Taylor nicknames such as: Dear, Darling, Doll, Sweetheart, My Love, and Sunflower (her personal favorite)

• Ashlyn has a black cat personality, while Taylor has a golden retriever personality.

• Sun and Moon dynamic

• Ashlyn's parents adore Taylor and vice versa, Taylor's mom adores Ashlyn.

• Taylor often has to protect Ashlyn when Tyler gets a bit overprotective, though Ashlyn insists she can protect herself and Tyler won't do anything to her.

• Taylor's favorite places to kiss Ashlyn are her cheek, her collarbone, her forehead, and her lips.

• Ashlyn's favorite places to kiss Taylor are her neck, her temple, her hand(s), her collarbone, and her lips. Ashlyn is only affectionate around Taylor.

• Taylor likes to count the freckles on Ashlyn's face, Ashlyn just let's it happen because Taylor always looks content while doing so.

• Ashlyn leaves notes with short love-based poems in Taylor's bag before school every morning. (Ben helped Ashlyn with the poetry because she's terrible at it)

• These two love to binge movies together on weekends

• While cuddling or asleep, Ashlyn is always the little spoon, and Taylor is always the big spoon. Roles are never switched, no exceptions.

• They both have a few of each other's hoodies in their own closets, for example Ashlyn has some of Taylor's hoodies, and Taylor has some of Ashlyn's hoodies.

• Ashlyn let's Taylor draw on her arms when the girl asks, she doesn't care if permanent marker is used or not, and if the drawing starts to fade then she asks Taylor to redraw it.

• They made Spotify playlists for each other.

• Taylor always attends Ashlyn's ballet recitals and never misses one, she always brings flowers for the girl as well.

• They have matching necklaces with each other's first initial.

• Ashlyn's love language is words of affirmation and acts of service.

• Taylor's love language is physical touch and giving gifts.

A/N: I fr LOVED writing this chapter, remember to leave some requests in the 'requests' chapter of ships y'all wanna see!!

Honestly, not all of these are accurate it then again, they're my headcannons so.

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