𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲. (Taylyn)

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A/N: This is a part 2 of Untold Feelings :)

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

After falling asleep, Ashlyn appeared to be in some kind of dream, she was back in the town of Savannah like she'd been hours before. The girl aimlessly wandered around, confused on how she ended up there.

A loud phantom noise startled the girl and caused her to turn around, but when she did, the scenery changed to that of the bus back when they'd left for Savannah. Now she was definitely skeptical. "I'm back on the bus?" she thought to herself. Ashlyn sat down in one of the seats, she hated lucid dreaming.

The girl slapped herself in attempts to wake up, only to immediately regret that decision when the pain kicked in. "Ow ow, why did that hurt so much?" she thought, Ashlyn paused when she noticed her arm was hurting pretty bad as well. The scratches were visible again.

She was surprised when something had suddenly yanked her in attempts to get her off the seat, "what the-" she said while looking down, the sight was terrifying. A black human-built figure with white eyes and a creepy smile was hidden under the seat in front of her, it's sharp hand curled around her ankle.

It yanked more aggressively this time and that's when Ashlyn woke up. The girl yelped and ended up falling out of bed, she lay on the ground for a moment. "Well at least I'm awake now, that sucked." she mumbled to herself. Taylor had woken up from all the commotion. "Ashlyn? You okay? Why are you on the floor? the girl questioned, Ashlyn immediately tried to dismiss it as nothing unusual.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a nightmare." she explained, waving her hand in the air as she looked up at Taylor. Said girl was squinting and that's when she noticed something on Ashlyn. "What happened to your arm?!" The girl asked frantically, Ashlyn looked down at her arm.

How odd, it was still scratched? Was she not awake? Taylor suddenly appeared on the floor in front of Ashlyn, concern visible in the girls brown eyes. "Maybe we should get a teacher? And some bandages?" the girl suggested. "Do you need help getting up?"

Ashlyn looked unfazed. "No, I'm okay." she began to lift the blanket that was over her legs, "I can get up, but yeah I may need some ban-" the girl cut herself off when she saw what was under the blanket.

It was the same creature from her "dream", still holding her ankle.

Both Ashlyn and Taylor froze, then screamed in fear.

The boys had heard their screams from their own room, Tyler got up and immediately raced out the door, "Taylor?!" he shouted. Ashlyn had kicked the figure in the face, giving herself and Taylor enough time to run for it. They ran out of their room, "Ty!" Taylor shouted.

The girls regrouped with the others and Tyler immediately embraced his sister in a tight hug. Taylor hid her face in her brother's shoulder. "What's going on?!" Tyler questioned, Ashlyn went to explain, "something's in the-" she cut herself off again when a phantom noise rang through her ears.

She turned around and the rest of the group spotted what she was looking at. "We need to go, now! Go!" Ashlyn shouted, making sure everyone got out of the room before the figure got to any of them.


The group made it to the boys hotel room, Ashlyn and Tyler had been arguing until Ashlyn snapped at him, which shut him up. Now, Ashlyn was getting her injury tended to by Ben, the poor girl looked like she was suffering from Taylor's point of view, the girl cringed as she watched disinfectant be poured on Ashlyn's arm.

Aiden also appeared to notice Ashlyn's suffering, he grabbed a bundled up cloth and got up, making his way over to Ashlyn. "Here Ash," he began, handing her the cloth. "squeeze this, it helps." he said, the girl looked at him before taking the cloth. "Thanks.." she said.

Aiden hummed, "I never took you for the leader type." he said, sounding amused. "I'm not, but my parents are." Ashlyn said, watching Ben patch up her arm. Aiden tilted his head, "your parents?" he pondered. Ashlyn nodded, "they're both from the military."

From a distance, Taylor was watching the two, her eyes seemed to darken.

Why was he talking to her?

Why was it so easy for him?

Taylor had tried countless times to talk to Ashlyn but the girl seemed to have no interest in conversation, and now she was talking to him with no problem? Taylor turned her gaze to the floor, scoffing under her breath.

She wanted to be in Aiden's place.

A/N: This is one kinda short, but I thought that was a good spot to end it, I hope this satisfied the person who requested it :)

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now