𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲. (Aidlyn)

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Warning: Contains blood/slight gore, viewer discretion advised.

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Another night in the phantom dimension, the group had been hiding out in the bus for about an hour now. They were planning out ways to travel through town and test out one of Logan's theories. First they had to get Ashlyn's parents' jeep into the graveyard for easier access if they needed to escape.

"This plan is ridiculous." Tyler remarked, he was sitting on the floor with his knees to his chest and his twin sister Taylor was sitting beside him with an anxious expression on her face. "Maybe we should try something else.. what if this doesn't work?" Taylor said, looking at the floor.

"Are you seriously having second thoughts about this? At the last second you want to change your mind?" Ashlyn asked, the group seemed anxious and tense.. well everyone except Aiden who looked unbothered with his usual smile.

After about 10 minutes of arguing between Tyler and Ashlyn, it was decided that they would continue with the plan. Ashlyn apologized for lashing out, it was revealed that she was under a lot of pressure as the self-elected team leader. Taylor reassured the redhead that everything was okay, that she was just nervous. She also reminded Ashlyn that as a team it was required for them to be more open with each other and that Ashlyn was allowed to express her feelings or thoughts as well as everyone else.

Now, the group was on top of the graveyard wall, watching the large horde of phantoms lurking around in the shadows, they were clearly avoiding the light provided by the solar powered lights that Aiden bought in the regular dimension.

Aiden grew excited and hopped over the wall, completely disregarding the rope he was supposed to use for a safe landing. "The rope- Aiden! The rope!" Ashlyn yelled to the blonde, whom responded with, "I'm durable!" The redhead girl rolled her eyes and signaled for the others to use the rope and scale the wall.

Logan stayed behind and instead was located on the roof of one of the buses, a rifle in hand. He was in charge of shooting any phantoms if things got too chaotic, though he was limited to 18 bullets. Aiden pressed a button of his phone, and in the distance a song could be heard blaring through some speakers that were previously set up in the trees.

Tyler turned to the blonde boy, "seriously?! Party Rockers?!" Aiden was quick to reply, "it's a good song!" Tyler scoffed and ran ahead of the group. Their goal was to get the jeep and drive it into the graveyard. Logan was watching the group from his post, he noticed a group of phantoms nearby that unfortunately noticed the group running for the jeep.

The group of phantoms began racing after the other five and Logan reached for the walkie talkie strapped to his belt. "Guys! There's a group of phantoms heading your way, from what I can see there's at least 20!" he spoke frantically. The group was busy arguing due to the fact that the jeep was locked even though Ashlyn swore she left it unlocked with the keys inside hours before.

"The keys are probably in the house, we need to check there." Ashlyn said, the group made their way towards the house as quick as they could, but they were too distracted to notice the phantom on the roof, that was supposedly aiming for Ashlyn.

Aiden and Ashlyn were the last two about to enter the house when a loud pop could be heard and Aiden kneeled to the floor with his hands hovering over his right ankle. Ashlyn looked at him with a confused expression, "Aiden? What's wrong?!" While waiting for an answer, she noticed a purplish red spot on the blonde's ankle that looked swollen, "you hurt your ankle after jumping off the wall didn't you?! 'Mr. Durable'?!"

Aiden looked away with a shameful expression, but he was still smiling. While Ashlyn was scolding him, she failed to notice the phantom arm that reached for the collar of her suit. It grabbed her and held on tightly, lifting her off the ground while she struggled.

Aiden noticed the sudden silence and looked over his shoulder, his eyes widened and for a second he stopped smiling. Ashlyn hit her head against the ceiling of the porch, a trail of red liquid dripped down the side of her face. Everything began to spin and she was unable to focus.

"ASHLYN!" Aiden yelled, for the first time since meeting him, he looked genuinely terrified. In the house Ben, Tyler, and Taylor were making their way upstairs. The twins turned towards the door upon hearing Aiden scream, "what was that?" Tyler asked, pointing his flashlight in the direction he was looking. "I'll go check it out." Taylor offered, but her twin cut her off. "No, I'll go. You keep looking for the keys." he said while already making his way down the stairs.

Ben and Taylor looked at each other before going up the remaining steps.

Back outside, Tyler stopped in the doorway after seeing Aiden's feet dangling but it was clear he was struggling. "What are you doing?!" Tyler asked, Aiden quickly replied. "Help me get up here!" he demanded, Tyler grew curious, "why?!" Aiden replied more aggressively while Tyler grabbed his feet to help. "A phantom stole Ashlyn! And I'm gonna get her back."

The phantom had Ashlyn by the neck pinned to the roof, with her concussion it was difficult for Ashlyn to focus, let alone fight back. "Everything's spinning.. I can't fight back properly!" Ashlyn thought to herself. Logan was quick to notice the fight, he aimed his rifle at the two despite the lack of a clear shot so Ashlyn could be freed.

Ashlyn slid her boot against the tile of the roof and a blade popped out from the sole of her shoe, she immediately stabbed the phantom in the leg and it reeled back in a silent scream. Logan took the opportunity to shoot the phantom straight through the center of it head, and it collapsed. But before hitting the ground, it's claws sank into Ashlyn's torso and due to the fact that the phantom was limp, the impact was harder than expected and it caused Ashlyn to cry out loudly in pain.

Aiden finally made it over one side of the roof and noticed the redhead, "Ashlyn!" he shouted, said girl shoved the phantom away and crawled upward, she looked up at Aiden. "You're okay!" he said with a look of relief, but that look quickly faded when he noticed Ashlyn's pained expression and her arms hugging her torso.

Aiden quickly reached for her, Ashlyn copied his action and reached for him but she began to slide down the roof. Aiden immediately hopped over the other side and slide down to reach her, his weapon hooked over the side of the roof so they wouldn't slide any farther.

He tightly grasped her hand and pulled her towards him, Ashlyn's free hand was still hugging her torso, she hissed in pain. Aiden pulled her close and wrapped his arm around her, hugging her in a way, his face was hidden in the crook of her neck and he was shaking. Clearly he was afraid of nearly losing her.


Everyone was back on the bus, the jeep was parked in the graveyard nearby, their mission was successful. Taylor and Ben were busy patching up Ashlyn's torso wound and Aiden was nearby for support. After she was fixed up, Ashlyn and Aiden were left alone while the others tended to their own injuries and talked about their mission.

"Thanks." Ashlyn muttered, Aiden hummed in confusion and looked at her, "for what?" he asked with his usual smile and a head tilt to the left. Ashlyn groaned and looked away, "thanks for helping me.. without all of you guys I would've been dead." she blurted out, clearly the girl was embarrassed.

Aiden turned to look at the others, "well we're your friends, obviously we're gonna help." he stated. Despite his outside appearance, in his mind, Aiden was relieved that Ashlyn was safe and alive.

A/N: First oneshot done! Let me know what y'all wanna see next :)

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now