𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞. (Loden)

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A/N: Loden = Logan x Aiden :)

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Logan always had a hard time with his self-image. He wished he was strong like Tyler, or cool like Aiden. But he wasn't, he was just an astrology obsessed nerd, at least that's what he thought.

How could he find love if he wasn't good enough for it, Logan thought he wasn't worth anyone's love. Maybe that's why his parents left.

He wasn't worthy of their love.

His mindset changed when he met Aiden, the blonde was always nice to him and complimented him whenever he used the rifle in the phantom dimension. At first, Logan thought Aiden was just being nice, until the blonde straight up confessed to him.

Now they've been in a happy relationship for about 3 months, and couldn't be happier. Their group loved to tease the two but they were happy for them over all.

Currently, everyone was at school, outside during lunch hour. Logan was sitting on a bench watching the rest of the group mess around, mainly Aiden and Tyler. Ashlyn, Taylor, and Ben were just watching the two be idiots. Tyler attempted to shove Aiden but ultimately failed and fell on the ground when Aiden moved out the way.

"Haha, missed me Halfwit!" Aiden laughed, he ran over to the bench that Logan was sitting on and sat down beside him, immediately wrapping his arm around the smaller boy's shoulder. "Do you two always have to bicker?" Logan questioned, looking up at Aiden.

"Yeah we do, it's fun." Aiden said, his smile turning innocent. Logan smiled and rolled his eyes, looking at Tyler who was currently being scolded by his sister. "Damn, Halfwit's getting told." Aiden laughed, watching the boy be scolded like a child.

"You wouldn't be laughing if Ben and I were scolding you." Logan remarked, Aiden looked at him with an offended expression, he pretended to be upset. "You wouldn't vouch for me?" he complained. Logan scoffed, "nope, if Tyler gets scolded then you do too Mister." Aiden sniffled and wiped away a fake tear, acting like he was heart broken.

The bell rang, signaling that it was time for the next class. The group went inside the building and bounded for their next class, until Barron crashed into Logan while walking through the hallway. "Ack- watch it punk!" Barron yelled, shoving Logan into a nearby locker.

The boy groaned when pain erupted through his back after he made contact with the locker. "You're a fucking screw up, you can't do anything right can you?! Barron spat, Aiden quickly approached the two, "woah now buddy, let's not get our asses kicked now hm?" he said, his tone and eyes seemed to darken with something unfamiliar to Barron.

The blonde gestured towards the others who looked ready to jump Barron. Logan kept himself hidden behind Aiden. His back still throbbed with pain. Barron turned to the others and scoffed, shoving passed them and mumbling a 'whatever' while he walked away.

Everyone's attention immediately turned to Logan who was currently fighting back tears, "you okay, astro?" Aiden asked, he's always used that nickname with Logan, it's related to space in a way so he thought it was a perfect fit. "..I'm fine, but he's right you know." Logan mumbled, fiddling with his fingers; a nervous habit. Aiden's smile fell a bit, the others listened silently. "..what?" the blonde said, hoping he heard Logan incorrectly.

"Barron is right, I can't do anything correctly. No wonder my parents didn't wa-" Logan was interrupted by being pulled into a hug from Aiden. The boy froze for a second while Aiden spoke, "don't ever say that again, that idiot isn't right about anything and it's why he's reliant on smart people like you. He's the one who can't do anything right, am I clear?" The taller boy assured.

Logan silently nodded his head and buried his face in Aiden's shoulder, he returned the hug and wrapped his arms around the boy. "I love you, and it hurts when you put yourself down like this, don't listen to Barron." The blonde spoke quietly, keeping Logan close to him. "C'mon, we gotta get to class." Tyler said, approaching the two. Aiden nodded and they pulled away from their hug, joining the others on the walk to class.

When they got there, they went to their seats and waited for the teacher who was apparently late again. To pass time, Aiden began drawing a portrait of Logan, he wasn't Picasso but he was decently good at drawing. In about 15 minutes he was done with the drawing and had a proud expression on his face when he gave it to Logan.

Logan laughed a bit and had on a bright smile when looking at the drawing, he examined the messy handwriting in the corner of the paper and his smile grew more. It read:

my pretty boy :D

Aiden silently admired Logan while he was looking at the drawing, and when ocean blue eyes met crimson red, the blonde's smile grew tenfold.

Logan may have rough days and bullies to deal with, but he knows deep down that he is never alone in situations like this, because he has his friends.

And he has Aiden.

A/N: Kinda short but I felt like that was a good spot to conclude this chapter :)

I've honestly never heard of these two but the ship was suggested to me and after looking some fanart up, they're absolutely adorable 😭

Expect an ashler oneshot soon (I js need a plot idea)

Requested by the amazing 0nly_Stxr!!

Keep the requests coming y'all‼️

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