𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬. (Ashlerden)

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𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Aiden and Tyler were two completely different people, but there was one thing they shared in common that neither of them were aware of.

They were both in love with Ashlyn Banner.

Both of them decided to keep this information to themselves, which means neither of them knew that they both liked her. Right now, they were over at her house, she was helping them with a project in which they had to display knowledge of different languages.

Ashlyn knew how to speak multiple languages, so she offered to help them. Under the threat of them not being allowed to tell anyone about her hidden talent.

They'd been working on this project for about two hours now, eventually deciding they wanted a break and begging Ashlyn for one. The girl reluctantly agreed, she got up and headed for the door, "I'm going to get us some drinks, be right back." she said, walking out and closing the bedroom door behind her.

Tyler and Aiden were left alone in her room. Aiden exhaled and flopped back on the bed, his hands covering his face. Tyler took note of this action and raised an eyebrow, "what's up with you?" he questioned, catching the blonde's attention.

"I have something to admit." Aiden mumbled, now resting his hands behind his head. Tyler was even more intrigued now, he waited for Aiden to carry on. "What is it?"

"..I'm in love with Ashlyn." Aiden's tone was quiet but still easily understood by the other boy, who was currently in shock. "Oh.. guess I'm not the only one." Tyler muttered, reaching up and scratching the back of his neck while he averted his gaze to the blanket in front of him.

Aiden immediately sat up and looked at Tyler with a dumbfounded expression, "what? you are too?!" he questioned, surprised. Tyler and Ashlyn bickered the most out of the entire group, this was definitely surprising news in Aiden's opinion.

Tyler sheepishly nodded, his brows furrowed while he refused to meet Aiden's gaze. "I mean, I can't blame you." Aiden joked, grinning. This caused Tyler to roll his eyes and lightly punch the blonde's shoulder. "How do we tell her? Will she even accept?" The boy asked, bringing the mood back to something serious.

Aiden remained silent, he hadn't thought of that.

"Man.. I don't know. If we tell her won't she have to choose only one of us?" That though alone hurt both of them to think about. Now it was Tyler's turn to stay silent, "..maybe there's a chance she'll choose us both." he mumbled, placing himself under that illusion for mild comfort and to distract himself from the thought of Ashlyn possibly choosing Aiden instead of him.

It made sense after all, he was somewhat rude to her, he guaranteed that if both of them confessed to her that she'd choose Aiden, leaving him heartbroken. "You know those chances are low dude.." Aiden said.

"We can't force her to choose both of us, let's just tell her the truth and see what she says. Even if either choice hurts us both." Tyler declared, Aiden remained silent for a moment, contemplating. Eventually he exhaled and nodded, turning towards the bedroom door as it began to open.

Ashlyn made her way into the room but stopped a moment later, sensing the tension lurking in the room. She glanced between the two of them, "did something happen? The mood seems different."

Tyler and Aiden looked at each other, they both got up from Ashlyn's bed and made their way over to the girl. "We have to tell you something." Aiden said.

Ashlyn remained silent, placing the drinks she was holding down on the small table to her right. "Okay?" she said, dragging the 'y' in a suspicious tone. Aiden took a deep breath in before speaking. "Ashlyn.. we like you, both of us. Scratch that, I'm pretty sure we're in love with you. But we know that you won't choose both and would probably only choose one." Aiden began,

"We want you to know that we're happy no matter who you choose, and we understand if you don't feel the same way for either of us." Tyler added. Ashlyn looked dumbfounded.

Did they really just confess?

Both of them?

The shorter girl remained silent for a brief minute, she had no idea what to say. If she was being honest with herself she did have feelings for both of them, but she kept them hidden out of fear that they'd reject her or think she was weird for liking two people at once.

"I--uh.." she stuttered, unable to think of the right words. Both boys were looking at her with intense expressions, anticipating her answer. Ashlyn took a deep breath in, keeping her gaze on the carpet below her. "This is about to get sappy.." she started,

"the truth is, I like both of you, but I didn't want either of you to think I was weird for that. And I don't know if either of you would want to be in a three way relationship." Ashlyn refused to meet their gazes, the agonizing silence in the room was nerve wracking.

The girl finally decided to look up at both of them. Aiden and Tyler were both wide-eyed. Ashlyn's heart sunk, she messed up.

At least she thought she did.

Before she could blink, Aiden launched himself at her and brought her into a hug, which caused her to yelp in surprise. She definitely wasn't expecting a hug. "Dude, warn her at least." Tyler scolded, lightly smacking Aiden's head. Ashlyn seemed confused and Tyler picked up on this. "We'd gladly join a three way, short stack. As long as we get to be with you." he said, pulling Ashlyn into a second hug once Aiden let her go.

"Wait--so you don't think I'm weird for that?" Ashlyn asked, none of this made sense to her. Tyler stifled a laugh, "not at all." he assured. The shorter girl slowly returned the hug, wrapping her arms around Tyler. Aiden crossed his arms, "no fair. you got her to hug you back!" he complained.

Ashlyn snickered, "quit complaining, I'll give you a hug in a second." she assured, a few seconds later Tyler released her from the hug and the girl made her way over to Aiden. She wrapped her arms around him, engulfing him in a hug, of course due to their height difference Aiden had to crouch down a bit. Nonetheless he was happy to receive a hug.

The day went by pretty quickly after that, the trio managed to get the project done and spent the rest of the evening hanging out. Along the way, the boys had gotten permission to spend the night from Ashlyn's parents and their own parents. So they spent the night cuddled up in Ashlyn's bed, with the girl safely tucked between them both.

They stayed that way throughout the night, until the clock struck 12:00am and the dimensions shifted.

A/N: Short lil Ashlerden chapter for you guys🤗

I'm almost done with summer school, I promise after that I'll update more frequently :)

What ships do y'all wanna see next? Lmk in the requests chapter!

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now