𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮. (Taylyn)

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Warning: Blood/Slight gore, viewer discretion advised.

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Three hours until 7am and right now, everyone was busy patching up injuries from the phantoms. They succeeded in getting away from the graveyard and were hiding out in the back of a grocery store. The area was void of phantoms but they had to keep quiet just in case, Ashlyn would be able to warn them if any were around though.

The twins were sitting beside each other, Taylor was bandaging Tyler's hand. He'd injured it while fighting a phantom that attempted to grab Logan during their escape. Ashlyn was pacing around, thinking of what else they could do that would increase their chances of ending this nightmare.

Aiden was watching her, it was clear he was bored and needed some sort of adrenaline rush. Ben was standing beside his cousin and looking outside the window, a red and eerie sky was displayed outside.

A good 10 minutes later, Ashlyn stopped pacing. For the moment, she couldn't think of anything and that frustrated her. She had to think of something that could free them, something to protect them.

To protect her.

Ashlyn mumbled some curses under her breath and sat down beside the twins, slumped in defeat. "Ashlyn?.." Logan asked, said girl looked at him with her exhausted eyes. "Any luck?" he asked with a glint of hope lacing his tone. Ashlyn exhaled deeply and closed her eyes, she shook her head 'no' in response to Logan's question.

Ashlyn was quick to sit up when she heard a phantom noise nearby, this sudden action alerted the others. "Ash? What is it?" Aiden asked, his red eyes wide in excitement. The redhead remained silent while she listened to the noises around them, sure enough, a phantom was nearby.

More than one.

"We need to go." Ashlyn said, her voice lowered to almost a whisper. She turned to the group who looked anxious, well except Aiden. The blonde looked ready for a fight. "I think we can take 'em!" Aiden said, Tyler was quick to hush him. "Dude! Be quiet, we can't take them!" he warned, Aiden dismissed his warning and turned to Ashlyn, surely she'd agree with him right? Wrong.

"Tyler's right, we're outnumbered by a lot, it's not safe here." She said, already getting up. Ashlyn extended a hand and helped Taylor up, though she didn't let go of the girl's hand. "We need to find another spot to hide until 7am." Ashlyn explained, she looked around for anything they could escape through, her hand still holding Taylor's firmly.

Logan spotted a door not too far, it let behind the store while they were located at the front, the phantoms appeared to be around the front as well from what Ashlyn could hear. "There's the back door." Logan said quietly, he pointed at the door. Ashlyn led the group towards it, making sure everyone stayed quiet.

They successfully made it outside to the back of the store. The group spread out a bit to quietly discuss what to do, it was currently 2 hours until 7am. Ashlyn and Tyler were quietly arguing about where to hide out, both had different ideas apparently. Everyone was so distracted by the bickering, that they failed to notice a phantom charging towards Taylor.

Everyone except Ashlyn.

"Taylor!" Ashlyn yelled, she ran towards the girl, leaving Tyler dumbfounded. She made it just in time to embrace Taylor in a hug, using her own body to shield the girl from the phantom's hit. The phantom's claws sliced through Ashlyn's back, causing the girl to cry out. Before the phantom could do any more damage, Logan shot it through the head with his gun, luckily it was equipped with a silencer so the shot wouldn't be heard by other phantoms.

"Ashlyn! Are you okay?!" Taylor asked, her tone laced with worry. Ashlyn kneeled to the ground and hissed in pain, "I'm fine. I'd rather be hurt than have you hurt." Those words left Taylor in a bit of shock. Ashlyn's blood soaked through her suit, turning the fabric a darker shade of black.

"We need to get her somewhere safe so Ben and I can help her." Taylor said, helping the redhead girl stand up. The brunette draped Ashlyn's arm over her shoulder and wrapped her own arm around Ashlyn's waist to keep her steady. "There should be another store not too far from here." Logan informed, he really knew his way around town apparently.

"Lead the way." Tyler said, Logan nodded and began walking ahead of the group. "Can you walk Ash?" Taylor questioned, looking at the girl who was leaning against her. "Yeah.. I think so." Ashlyn said, Taylor nodded and began following Logan. The group followed the boy until they reached another store hidden deeper behind the trees. It was smaller and looked more desolate than the last store.

"This is it." Logan said, he pushed the door open and led the group inside. They made their way to the back of the store and Taylor carefully set Ashlyn on the ground, the redhead girl hissed in pain. "Ben.. help me bandage her." Taylor looked back at the taller boy who nodded in response to her question.

"Ash.. is it okay if we unzip your suit so we can help you?" Taylor asked, wanting to make sure Ashlyn was okay with this before they did anything. "I'm fine with it, do whatever." Ashlyn said, Taylor nodded.

Taylor unzipped the suit and helped Ashlyn pull it down, only the suit from the torso and up was off since the injury was on Ashlyn's back. "Shit.. we need to remove your shirt Ashlyn." Taylor said, now realizing that the girl's shirt would get in the way. Ashlyn stayed silent.

Taylor was quick to get the message, "Ben.. do you mind waiting with the others in another part of the store? I don't want Ashlyn to be uncomfortable." Ben nodded and got up, he and the other boys wandered to another part of the store.

Ashlyn looked more relaxed now that it was just her and Taylor, she didn't want to offend Ben in any way but she was more comfortable with just another girl here.

"Can I ask a question?" Taylor wondered while she poured a bit of disinfectant on a cloth. "You just did." Ashlyn remarked, Taylor gave her an unamused look. "You know what I mean!" Taylor said, Ashlyn snickered. "Yeah I do, go ahead." she said.

"Why did you take the hit for me?" Taylor questioned.

Ashlyn remained silent for a second, a hint of red dusted her face. "..I wanted to protect you." she replied honestly. Taylor was once again, shocked. "Why?" she asked while cleaning up Ashlyn's wound, said girl hissed in pain with each contact.

"Because I care about you." Ashlyn muttered quietly, but not quiet enough because Taylor still heard her. The two remained silent after that, with the exception of Ashlyn hissing in pain every now and then while Taylor patched her up.

15 minutes later, they finally finished and Ashlyn's wound was bandaged up, her suit jacket remained off to avoid getting more blood on it. "Thanks Taylor." Ashlyn said, albeit a little embarrassed.

Taylor smiled and carefully hugged the girl, Ashlyn froze for a second. She wasn't a fan of physical affection but this was different.. it felt nice, comforting. Ashlyn gave in and returned the hug, hiding her face in the crook of Taylor's neck.

She could get used to this.

A/N: I love these two so much obviously I had to write about them :,)

❛❛𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝❜❜ || SBG OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now