1. Marriage?

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A loud slap echoed in a mansion as every person present there gasped in horror.

"First you got born in this house with bad luck, then you tried to malign my name by running away and now you are saying that you won't get married. Do you want us to not even be able to look in other's eyes? We hold the biggest position in this city but your actions will bring us at the lowest." A man in his early 50s spitted out with his eyes red in anger.

A girl in her mid-20s turned to look at her father with tears at bay of her eyes and anger on her face "Why should I care about you if you never cared about me?" she shouted back as a lot of gasps heard around.

No one ever talked to him in such a way. Not even his sons, nor any other man.

He clenched his fist tightly as his body raged in anger and he walked angrily towards her as he held her jaw in his hold "Keep your eyes and voice low in front of me." He seethed in anger.

Seeing the situation escalating, his sons ran to him "Nanna, leave her. It's not good for your health. And we don't hurt a woman." They said trying to pull him. (Nanna- Father)

He jerked their hands "She is not a woman, she is a witch. She is some dharidhram who came into our family to destroy us. Once she leaves, I will be happy." (Dharidhram- Bad luck)

Tears spilled through her eyes "I am not a dharidhram, you are a mindless man." She shouted as his son glared at her but it didn't affect her.

"Nitya." Her eldest vadina Chaitra said in a strict voice. (Vadina- Brother's wife)

"I will leave this house."

"Then go. Get out from my property and business too."

"I don't need your business. I will build a business on my own."

"You don't need my business but those poor orphans and old people do need my money. Once you deny my request, I will throw them out of my property and make a café over that orphanage."

Nitya turned back on hearing that heartless man and threw a vase at the floor which broke into pieces and stuck into Chaitra's feet making her hiss.

Drishith looked at his wife and then glared at Nitya in anger "Keep yourself in control. Don't you dare to hurt my wife?" He seethed as Nitya's eyes went to Chaitra who was holding her feet as blood was flowing.

"I am so.." She tried to say.

"Shut up. Anyways you have the habit of hurting this house's woman." Her other brother Rahul said as he went to Chaitra to check her feet.

"Now you have started to hurt our daughter also." Her father seethed as he threw a vase at her in anger which scratched her arm.

Nitya looked at her two brothers and her father who were ready to hurt her but were now tending wounds of a woman who entered their life 3 years ago. Chaitra and Drishith had an arranged marriage but slowly they developed a lovely bond among them. And not just Drishith but Chaitra filled the void of love in all 3 men of the family. Her father Arjuna got to cherish a daughter and Rahul got a sister while Drishith's lonely life was filled with her presence. They didn't even try to tell Nitya about the wedding and only 2 months later when Nitya was back to her home from Mumbai, she got to know that her brother got married and it broke her as she slowly grew distant. She saw her family behaving with Chaitra as they should have with her until Chaitra approached her and she knew that she was a lady with an aura of goddess who just attracted people towards her. She never hated Chaitra but she envied her, she envied the love she got but she loved the fact that Chaitra always tried to give her motherly love even when the whole family was against it and now she was guilty of hurting her.

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