27. Her efforts

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Nitya was standing in front of the mirror trying to drape a black organza saree. She looked at the clock hanging on the wall and she knew it won't be long before Shivansh came. Her happy mood was getting sad with each second passing. She was excited about her dinner date with her husband but it looked like everything was going in vain.

She tried to drape the saree but due to the fabric, its pleats were all disheveled and not set properly no matter how hard she tried. She frustratedly took off the saree and threw it on the bed as she sat there with tears almost on the bay. All her excitement had already flown when she heard a knock.


She heard Meera's voice calling her.

Nitya instantly stood up and covered herself with a dupatta as she went to open the door.

Meera's smile flew away as she saw Nitya standing there with her eyes slightly wet "What happened?" She asked as her motherly instinct took her best.

Nitya shook her head "Nothing bhabhi. Please come inside." She said trying to gatekeep her problem as she always did.

Meera looked at the saree on the bed and then at Nitya as she put her hands on her waist "I don't like lies. Come on tell me." She said strictly.

"It's nothing serious. Just saree........." She said in a small voice.

"You should have called me." Meera said taking the saree from the bed "I know it must be hard to open up, to ask for help but try it." She said as she tucked the saree at one end "I don't know your previous life Niti but now life is different, people are different. I was also scared of asking for help but then I got this family." She smiled while making pleats as Nitya listened to her with utmost attention "How about trying it again? These people are new. Maybe they are helpful people who won't deny your request instead would give their best just to make sure you are happy." She said tucking the pleats and securing with a safety pin.

"What if they thought that I am asking too much?" She said not thinking much.

"And how would you know what they are thinking unless you ask them?" Meera asked her and Nitya was speechless.

She was right. She was judging every person entering her life based on those who left her, or those who gave her the trauma. She never gave a chance to these people then how can she decide if they would be like her family or they would be like her sunshines?

"Di Buaji won't live here. She said she feel suffocated."She said wanting to talk this with someone for so long.

"It's good for her. If she lives here, she have to forgive them in guilt of seeking help from them. And if she wants time to forgive them then let her be." Meera smiled at her.

"They were looking really guilty. Shouldn't they be forgiven?" Nitya asked the questions she was dying to know the answer of.

"It's her pain and she will decide if they should be forgiven."

" I still can't believe our parents could do this. I mean they are too good to make mistakes."

Meera chuckled at her question "They are human Niti. We always make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes doesn't have much effect and sometimes they change a person completely. Maybe they were immature back then and didn't know how to handle all those situations or maybe they only cared about their happiness at that time. But I hope everything will be changed now. God gave them another chance to mend their mistake and I am sure they would do something about this." Meera answered as Nitya went silent thinking about her words.

"You really talk like a queen." Nitya praised her making her giggle.

"Anyways, Is something special today?" Meera said plugging the straightener to set the pleats.

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