4. Marriage

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Here's the extra update for you all as I am happy today, really happy. Today I have finally completed my thesis and my professor praised me a lot and it was like that finally 6 months' worth of hard work really paid off. 

But but I am not free yet, final submission is left. And damn that would be hard as all professors of our department are going to take our presentation. May God save me. 

Anyways, enjoy the chapter


Nitya was sitting in front of the mirror all alone adorned in Pelli Chira which is a wedding saree for the bride. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled at her beautiful self. There were many incidents when she felt ugly but today she was glowing and she wanted nothing but to capture this moment. She quickly took a picture of herself. It was early morning as all the rituals happen during this time only and she was anything but feeling energetic right now. She looked at herself once more in the wedding attire and she remembered how she had no emotional moment with her family as no one was emotional because she left the premises except for her Vadina who was busy with the arrangements.

 She looked at herself once more in the wedding attire and she remembered how she had no emotional moment with her family as no one was emotional because she left the premises except for her Vadina who was busy with the arrangements

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Her phone pinged and she saw it to be a message from Kshitij informing her about the arrival of the groom's side and her breath fastened suddenly

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Her phone pinged and she saw it to be a message from Kshitij informing her about the arrival of the groom's side and her breath fastened suddenly. She realizes that she is getting married, she will have to share many things with a man now who might or might not love her, and she will have to leave her comfort and adjust herself according to this new family. She put her hand over her heart to calm it down. She needed someone to calm her at the moment but everyone was busy. Tears were brimming in her eyes but she pushed them back and took some deep breaths.

The door to her room opened and she saw her aunt standing there

"Let's go, Nitya, Panthulu Garu is calling." She said and Nitya stood up. (Panthulu garu – Pandit ji)

She tried to look behind her aunt to see if someone else was there but her aunt was alone. Will she not be carried in the bamboo basket like other brides? Where are her brothers? At least today?

"Will we walk?" Nitya asked expecting an answer of no.

Her aunt held her hand "Of course thalli, your family is such a big name, so you think they would do all those rituals? Also, you don't have maternal uncles to do the ritual, and your brother is busy handling their business people." Her aunt said and a chuckle left Nitya's lips. (Thalli- Child)

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