31. Pain

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The whole meeting was a bit hectic. Nitya was discussing the notes from the meeting with Aashrit as they entered the hall where she saw Shivansh and Shreya talking about something and laughing while Shreya had that cute face as if she was gushing about someone's cuteness. She smiled seeing them together.

"Let's go, sit with them," Aashrit said wanting to discuss tomorrow's preparation with Shivansh.

While walking they saw Abhi coming downstairs and like usual Abhi put his hand on Nitya's shoulder and crushed her in a side hug making her grumble.

"Did she say that?" Shreya said laughing as Shivansh laughed out loud with her.

Before anyone could speak, Meera with Rashmi also entered the hall with some sweets in trays as Rajveer was walking by their side holding another tray but Shreya and Shivansh were not aware of their surroundings.

"She was literally throwing things around and said she has a nickname but I don't." he said laughing and Shreya giggled at his mimic.

Nitya stopped hearing him making Abhi stumble in his step due to abrupt stop. She was shocked hearing him and more than that she was shocked to see her best friend laughing at her emotions. She tightened her fist and couldn't control her anger. She was the person who always gatekept her emotions but for once, she started expressing them and he is making fun of it here.

She felt her throat hurting and her heart racing with the pain she was feeling. For a moment she forgot about her surroundings "Are you talking about yesterday?" She asked with anger in her eyes but calmness in her voice taking others' attention too. The surge of anger was too much in her that she forgot how to even control herself.

Shivansh looked back on hearing her and smiled "Yes I was telling Bhabhi about what happened. After all it was her pla......." He said standing up and coming to hug her with a smile.

Nitya tightened her fist in anger. She glared at him making him stop at his place and then looked at Shreya who sensed her anger and before she could even speak, Nitya burst out.

"I trusted you with my emotions, that's why I expressed them in front of you. If I knew that you would be making fun of my emotions behind my back then I would have thought about it thrice." She said controlling the tears.

Shivansh was shocked to hear her as he didn't expect such a reaction from her but before he could even speak, she looked at Shreya.

"Niti I didn't intend ........." He tried to say but stopped seeing her red face which usually happens when she tries to control her tears.

Nitya looked around her and suddenly that loneliness hit her finding herself alone and turned around to leave that place. Everyone called her but she didn't hear anything as she wanted to go somewhere calm and she ran.

She ran to go somewhere away from him. And entered the first room she saw locking it.

Her family tried to run after Shiv and Niti but was stopped by Aashrit.

"Let husband and wife solve their problem," Aashrit said stopping anyone from interfering but deep inside he was worried for them.

Shiv knocked on the door just to hear loud sobs of Nitya. And he hated himself. The one thing he promised himself and he failed, he failed his promise to her.

"Nitya baby listen..........."

"Shut up." He heard her shout "Stop it, please. I am tired of listening and understanding. I don't want to listen." She said sitting there on the floor as her hand clutched her mangalsutra tightly, feeling suffocated.

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