23. Her comfort

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Nitya was sitting in the meeting room as one of her employees was giving a presentation about the profits they achieved in the past month while her whole focus was on what happened that morning.

And now She was guilty.

She didn't want her anger to take over her, nor did she want to hurt her. What Nalini said was wrong but she could ignore her like she usually does.

She looked up to see a young girl giving a presentation. Her body posture was stiff, words coming a little quickly telling her nervousness. She noticed her eyes which were going to a particular seat as her voice was shivering a little.

Nitya looked at the seat only to see another girl who was giggling with a young boy sitting beside her. She rolled her eyes as she called Kshitij.

"Who is the girl?" She whispered to him

"She is the senior of the presentee there. They are from the R&D team." Kshitij said with furrowed brows.

"Why the hell R&D team is giving this presentation, it's finance department work." She seethed as her already sour mood was taking over.

"I don't know Mam." Kshitij said sensing her mood "I will sort it out."

"Let me do it. I need to let out my frustration on someone. Then why not those who love creating problems." She whispered as Kshitij leaned back in his seat praying for whatever coming.

"When did you join this company?" Nitya asked as the young girl stopped and looked at her fidgeting with her hands.

"A week ago mam." The young girl replied.

Nitya closed her eyes knowing well what might be happening here "Your department?"


"Who is the finance department representative here?" She asked as the boy who was laughing a moment ago raised his hand.

"Please stand there." She said with her eyes narrowing.

"Since when R&D team get so much knowledge about finance," Nitya asked and the boy was numb.

On getting no answer, she was about to bash him when the girl who was giggling a moment ago stood up "Mam she insisted a lot, so he has to let her do today's presentation."

Nitya looked at the young girl whose eyes widened in shock.

"Now I am requesting you, Miss........" Nitya stopped

"Miss Sharma"

"Miss Sharma, I am requesting from the core of my heart, can you please leave your post fro the junior of yours." Nitya said in a pleading tone.

Miss Sharma looked at her and they're worried about what was about to happen

Nitya stood up in anger as the lights were turned on again "Is this all a joke to you all? Don't you have any responsibility towards this company? If I don't know, then don't any of you have enough guts to let me know what was going on here." She shouted as everyone stiffened in their place "That's how you are going to achieve the highest place in this country. Your response will make this company 1st but from the last." She said

Everyone looked at each other stiffened. A moment ago no one was serious, and at this moment all of their soul was almost in their throat.

"And you both, you are fired. Give your resignation letter and never show your face here in this company." Nitya said going out of the meeting room as Kshitij followed her closely behind.

After reaching her office, she threw her files away and sat on her seat pressing her forehead

"Kshitij one strong coffee for me please." She said still angry at what happened here and not even a second later, there was a knock on the door.

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