8. First night together

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Nitya and Shivansh reached Nitya's family house an hour ago already. Since then, no one has left Shivansh alone. It was made sure that their son-in-law was fed properly and kept entertained. As much as they hated Nitya all these past years, the double of it they were showing love to Shiv.

Right now, they all were sitting on the couches with the whole family after having lunch talking about business and other things. Chaitra was sitting beside Nitya asking about the behavior of her in-laws which Nitya replied positively.

"You will have to visit after 4 months Alludugaru?" Aravind said (Nitya's father) "It's an advance invitation so you can clear up your schedule." He said with a chuckle.

Shivansh furrowed his brows and looked at Nitya whose whole focus was in talks with Chaitra.

Rahul understood his dilemma and spoke "Chaitra Bhabhi is 5 months pregnant. We will have a little munchkin in our house in just 4 months, so you'd have to come."

Shivansh made an understood face "Of course, we will come." Shivansh said with a small laugh.

Nitya looked at everyone and felt suffocated. She never sat with her family like this and today sitting like this for a man who newly entered this family was weird enough. She looked at the happy faces of her family which were not fake but they were genuinely happy. It made Nitya exclaim that if they could give love to those people who recently entered their family, then why couldn't they love her? Why they hated her for something, she never did?

Her attention broke when she heard Aravind "Nitya, I had to talk to you regarding the business you are going to handle in M.P . Come with me."

Nitya looked at him talking to her emotionlessly and then at Shivansh who now had furrowed brows. Without saying anything, Nitya stood up and followed him without any question as Drishith also stood up leaving Shivansh with Rahul and Chaitra.

Once inside the office, they all settled.

"You are married now, so you better stop acting childish." Aravind said but got no reply from her which irked him "Whatever happens, that is your home now. Never look back at this house if something happens in your married life. And you know well what I will do with that Sunshine home if you ever even thought about going against me or your husband."

"I will never come back to this house because I know I deserve better and this house could never be better for me," Nitya said standing up.

"Nitya." Aravind shouted and raised his hand but was stopped by Drishith "Alludugaru is in our home." He reminded his father who controlled his anger.

"Keep this tongue of yours in control." He seethed in anger "Or else your sunshine will pay the price." He said throwing some papers at her face and leaving the office room.

Nitya took the papers in her hand and checked what was written on them. It was the paper of the loan she took. She looked at the amount and closed her eyes controlling her anger remembering it was just a matter of some weeks and then she would pay the amount.

"I'll pay the amount," Drishith said to take the papers but Nitya held them strongly

"Why would you?" She asked holding the papers tightly.

"Nitya." He said in a stern voice but it didn't affect Nitya "Give me the papers."

She clenched her jaw in anger "Don't. You don't need to show any sympathy or any care towards me. I know very well that everyone in this family hates me, so you don't need to act as if you care. You are doing this so that your relationship with Yaduvanshi doesn't deter, so don't worry it won't." She said trying to leave but her hand was held by him.

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