6. Shy

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First of all Thankyou so much for the 10M views on Her Healer. So here's extra update for the gift you gave me. And also my laptop is fine now, so I could write and post.

There might be update tomorrow if my presentation goes well. So, hope for best.


 "Are you hungry?" Shivansh asked Nitya who was sitting on the slab of the kitchen in the darkness since the time Nitya entered the kitchen.

Nitya screamed in fear but before her voice could go out of the kitchen, Shivansh already covered her mouth with his palms "Shh I am not a thief." He whispered.

Nitya was sitting on the floor leaning back towards the floor with Shivansh on his knees in front of her covering her mouth and looking intently at her with her hand over his chest.

Nitya's heart was still beating fast with fear and she gulped hard as Shiv removed his hand from her mouth

"I thought it was a ghost," Nitya said furrowing her brows confused as to why was he sitting in the dark here.

Shivansh chuckled and stood up to turn on the lights. Nitya was still on the ground, while her mind was still covering up with the incident.

"Come." He said giving her his hand as she took it hesitantly and dusted her clothes.

Shivansh walked back to the slab and picked up the bowl "Here" He said forwarding it to her as she furrowed her brows when Shivansh spoke, "I made some ras malai for me, have it." He said forwarding it to her and she quickly shook her head in no.

"oh no. I don't need that. I was just searching for water." She said feeling embarrassed.

Shivansh looked at her face and hesitance was clear in her expression he knew that she might be hungry but didn't want to take his food.

"I made it myself for the first time, so can you taste it and tell me if it's fine." He made excuses as Nitya went into overthinking. She didn't want to deny anymore as it might sound rude and took a spoonful of the dessert and her eyes immediately widened with the taste of it.

"It's tasty." She said loving the taste.

Shivansh quickly brought another spoon and dug in "Then have it."

"Umm no I am fine." She replied feeling bad to eat his food.

"Nitya." He said forwarding a spoonful of ras malai towards her as Nitya looked up at him

"What type of gifts do you like?" He asked pushing the spoon towards her mouth and she took it.

She furrowed her brows as Shivansh took another spoonful and forwarded it to her "In our culture, the husband is supposed to gift his wife on some occasions and I want to give you the things you want and not the things where you need to adjust." He said and something struck Nitya.

His words might be normal for him but for her, those words did something. She always took others' words seriously and here her husband was making sure that not just his actions but his respect was shown in words also.

"You don't need to." She said not want to be a burden on him.



"Why I don't need to? You are my wife and I must do things for you, and learn about your dislikes then why are you asking me not to?" Shiv asked not liking the fact that she didn't want his efforts.

Nitya felt bad about her choice of words and regretted immediately "No, I meant anything is fine." She said timidly seeing the vein popping on his forehead.

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