10. I trust you

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This update is for one of my lovely reader who is upset. I hope it helps darling.


"So as it's your 2nd wedding night, you did do the deed or do you need some tips?" Shreya said nudging Nitya's shoulder whose face was all red with teasing and she didn't speak a word.

"I never thought, I would see Nitya being so shy." Meera laughed at Nitya's expressions.

"Please stop it you both," Nitya said controlling her blush and all of them laughed.

"Why don't you save this 'stop it' for your husband?" Revati said opening her suitcase.

"OK, enough you both. Leave her alone." Meera said sternly "Niti go and take a bath, we will keep your clothes here. Shivu will take a little more time since then you can have a bath and relax."

"But they both can take showers together............" Shreya said but Meera put her palm over her mouth and dragged her with Revati out of the room saying bye to Nitya.

Nitya shook her head , took out one pair of her cute pajamas and went for a shower.

Shivansh entered his room but didn't find anyone in there. He clearly remembered his mother saying that Nitya was waiting for him in the room. He walked inside and heard the shower running. So, he decided to change his clothes into something comfortable and entered his walk-in closet.

After changing he was sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone when he heard the sound of anklets and he looked up to see Nitya coming out of the closet. Her hair was still wet as some little droplets were falling off them. Her face was bare of any makeup but the after-effects of the makeup were making her look aesthetic. His eyes went to her neck where she was wearing Thalli and her hands still had the bangles.

He looked at her as she sat beside him on the bed scrolling through her phone.

"You can take off these bangles. You must not be used to all this." Shivansh said to her as she turned towards him and then looked down at her bangles.

She remembered Meera telling her these 4 bangles should not be removed for a month after the wedding for her married life.

"No, Meera bhabhi told me to not take it off."

"Who would tell Bhabhi? I won't." Shivansh said not wanting to cause her any discomfort.

Nitya smiled at his care "It's for our marriage life. Even if no one sees it, I still don't want to do anything that can cause any kind of problem in our married life."

Shivansh smiled hearing her and leaned back on the bed "Why don't you talk much? You were not like that at Abhi bhai's wedding." Shivansh asked her genuinely confused.

Nity looked at him instantly "I told you I am an introvert. Sometimes I talk too much and sometimes I don't. I am sorry........." She blabbered

"Are are are majak kar rahe the ham." He said chuckling and Nitya looked at him with stinky eyes (I was just kidding).

"I am sleeping," Nitya said closing her eyes.

Shivansh chuckled seeing her and poked her arm "Are you angry with me?"

Nitya didn't answer and just shook her head.

"I am sorry." He said and Nitya opened her eyes instantly.

"Why are you saying sorry? It's not even such a big thing." She said sitting back.

Shivansh smiled "Small or big it doesn't matter. I just don't ever want to upset you."

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