2. Meet and Greet

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 Nitya was in her room wearing a purple and blue half saree while Chaitra was setting her dupatta over her shoulder. Nervousness was oozing through her heart as Chaitra safely pinned the dupatta.

 Nervousness was oozing through her heart as Chaitra safely pinned the dupatta

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"You are looking so beautiful, thalli," Chaitra said putting a kala tika behind her ear but Nitya had no smile on her face.

Chaitra held Nitya's hand in hers and made her look up "If you will deny it after meeting the boy, then I'll talk to your brother." Chaitra said not liking whatever was happening with Nitya.

Nitya looked up at her and took a deep breath to calm herself down "They would never listen. They are getting too much success from this." She said.

Chaitra knew whatever Nitya was saying was true and she just hugged her. Nitya couldn't wrap her arms around her and just sat still "I am sorry Niti." Chaitra said.

Their talks were disturbed as there was a knock on the door. Chaitra opened the door and saw Rahul standing there with a lady beside him wearing a beautiful pink saree whom she remembered as Nitya's best friend. Nitya always kept a picture of her, Shreya, and Abhi in her room. Once when Chaitra asked her about them, Nitya told her with a smile how much of a great friendship they had.

"Vadina, she is the sister-in-law of Bavagaru," Rahul said making Chaitra confused. (Bavagaru- Brother-in-law)

Till now, Chaitra didn't know that the house where Nitya's alliance was fixed was the same house where her best friend was married too and she was quite shocked. Chaitra looked back at Nitya who finally had a smile of relief on her face and they left both of them alone.

"Wow Niti, you are looking so pretty," Shreya said entering the room and curling her fist to take evil eyes.

Nitya took a deep breath and pouted " I am nervous."

Shreya took her in a hug and Nitya tried to relax.

"I am sorry. You are in this situation because of me." Shreya said guilty of her situation.

(Note: For those who haven't read the other 2 books of the Yaduvanshi series. Shreya, Abhi, and Nitya were best friends but they were apart from each other for 2 years and in that gap, many things happened. Shreya was kidnapped and later she was found but to save her family, they had to take Nitya's brother Drishith's help. And he put the condition to make Nitya marry the youngest yaduvasnhi and that's how their alliance was fixed.)

Nitya leaned back and shook her head "It's not your fault Shru. It's my destiny. Love has no place in my life." Nitya said with a sad look on her face.

Shreya felt sad for her "Shivansh is a better man."

"But would he love me? After all, he was forced to." She said looking at Shreya who had no answer to her question. "But at least I would have you and Abhi in that house." She smiled not wanting to upset Shreya.

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