24. Taking a stand

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It's been a day since everything happened and Nitya noticed how no one was talking to buaji and ignoring her. She felt a little bad for her but then thought she deserved a little bit of this.

Nitya was sitting at the dinner table and there was a silence. Some talks were happening here and there but no one was involving Nalini even though she tried hard.

"Nalini I talked to your husband, he will be coming tomorrow to pick you up," Rajveer said.

All the youngsters were shocked to hear him as they had never expected their father to take such action against their sister. He loved her a lot, although the talks between them were less but still, his love for his sister was not hidden from anyone.

"What?" Nalini said in a loud voice as everyone's eyes settled on the brother-sister duo.

"I am sure your ear works properly." He said looking dangerously at her.

Her hold on the fork tightened as she looked at her brother with anger "Why?" She seethed in anger not liking his words "Can't you even keep me in your house for just some days?" She said controlling her anger

"No. You can come during Pooja with your husband." He declared in a final voice.

"But why? I am not going anywhere."

"I don't want any more tears in my daughter's eyes. I was enduring all this because the comments were just little taunts but now you took it too far and I think you need to face consequences for that." He declared in the final sentence.

"You can't do that." She shouted throwing her plate in anger.

"You better control yourself and not make drama," Rajveer said gritting his teeth.

Nalini looked at him in disbelief "I am making drama?" She questioned pointing at herself while everyone's eyes were fixed on them "You are throwing your sister out of the house for a girl who came into your house just a month ago. You always does this."

Nitya shifted in her seat uncomfortably on getting unwanted attention and comments.

"Not a girl. But our daughter-in-law." Rajveer said standing up.

Nalini looked at him in anger "Only if you looked after me like your daughter-in-law." She said in longing as she left the dining table.

Something flicked in Rajveer's eyes as he also left the table.

Nitya didn't like whatever happened and also went out of the house as she needed some fresh air.

Nitya sat on the bench in the garden as she looked up in the sky.

She didn't like the confrontation that happened some moments ago. Somewhere she hated being the reason for the clash between a sister and brother. Craving for your brother's love for your whole life, she knew what it means to not have that care from your sibling. Although Nalini deserved every bit of it somewhere she felt as if Nalini was getting the same fate as hers. The difference is, in her case it was not in her control but in Nalini's case, she is the reason. She never wanted any sister to face what she faced in her life but here she became the reason of the pain of a sister and she was anything but happy.

Her chain of thought broke when a mouthwatering smell hit her nose. She looked beside her to see Shivansh sitting with Maggi in his hand.

"Maggi is something we can eat even when we are in no mood to have any kind of food." He said sitting beside her.

Nitya looked the other side "I am not in mood."

"Don't take her words seriously Niti."

"It's not her shiv." Niti rushed in saying as she continued "It's the fact that a brother and sister are having issues because of me. The last thing I would do is to cause a rift between siblings." She said frustrated.

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