Chapter 12: Awakening of a Star

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The elemental mana, the essence that abides our world and dictates our destinies, is revealed to each individual upon reaching the first star. This milestone marks a profound awakening and a breakthrough toward understanding the mysteries that surround us.

With the attainment of the first star, each awakened person acquires one of the ten basic elements that govern our universe: fire, water, earth, air, light, dark, electricity, nature, ice and metal. However, there are times when this awakening brings with it unique variations that defy established norms.

It is possible for an awakened to manifest an element with special properties, which can range from an intensification of the heat of fire to oddities such as a poisonous fire or physical properties. These variants, although derived from the base element, can completely alter the individual's interaction with their environment and their combat capabilities.

The possibility of awakening a singular element in the first star depends on the individual's elemental affinity, whether by lineage or because they were born naturally able to awaken the element with that special characteristic, their practical experience and the resources at their disposal. Possession of artifacts imbued with particular properties or a thorough knowledge of an elemental characteristic can significantly increase the chances of manifesting such peculiarities during a rank promotion.

Rising through the ranks in the life of an awakened one is an introspective and rigorous process that is usually guided by their parents or elders.

Experience is a kind of energy that must be meticulously channeled during the ascension process. Each rank has its peculiarities, and the proper management of this energy is crucial for the successful transition to higher levels of power.

In the creation of the first star, the main objective is to awaken the elemental affinity of the awakened one. This process involves the formation of an elemental container within the body, which will serve as the nucleus for the manipulation and control of the acquired elemental energy.

The location of the container is a strategic decision that influences how the awakened person will interact with his or her element. It can be placed in the heart, the brain, or near the center of the body, each location offering benefits depending on the awakened's needs and fighting style.

Commonly, elemental affinity tests are conducted before an individual reaches their first star, which helps determine the element most aligned with their being. However, from my previous experiences and to my accumulated knowledge, I already know my elemental affinity without the need for such tests.

With this knowledge, I began to create the elemental container. Focusing on my chest, I guided the energy of accumulated experience into the area of my heart, visualizing how the container began to take shape. Every thought and emotion merged into this single purpose. The sensation of the elemental energy coming to life within me was overwhelming and exhilarating.

As it was being created, I decided to harness the excess energy to form a second container in my brain, that was something that set me apart from normal awakened ones, awakening two elements is a rare occurrence that no more than ten people in a generation can Aser, and that was one of the factors that made a high ranking noble adopt me after buying me, but not the main reason.

Once the containers were established, the promotion in rank proceeded almost automatically. I could feel how the experience that had accumulated during my previous battles and apprenticeships began to vibrate in resonance with my intention.

It was like a kind of illumination of complex sensations and latent powers, even affecting my past life differently as I awakened these elements, seeking the perfect harmony to effectively ascend to the newly acquired elements. The process was intense and when I finally opened my eyes, I felt renewed clarity and power flow through me.

Checking my status, I noticed the updates:


Status Window:

Name: Lucien

Level: Awakened (1 star)

Elemental Affinity: Light, Lightning.

Elemental Trait: Acceleration (Lightning), Will (Light)


Strength: 6

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 6

Defense: 2

Vitality: 4

Free stats: 5


Spells: "n/a".

Arts: "n/a"



Upon reaching the first star, the world rewards the awakened with an increase in their stats, distributing ten new points; half are allocated evenly across existing abilities, while the other half is at the discretion of the individual for free distribution. While this improvement in stats was welcome, what really captured my attention was the new section that appeared on my status page. I had achieved something extraordinary: the creation of a unique feature for each of my two items.


Awakened Elements: Light & Lightning

Elemental Characteristics: Acceleration (Lightning), Will (Light).


The light characteristic, called "Will," was something I had only managed to develop in the last few years of my previous life. It is an almost cheating characteristic, never before seen in this world, which I had now managed to awaken in my first rank promotion. The synergy with "Acceleration," the characteristic of my Lightning element, was astounding. It seemed that the world recognized my vast experience and prior knowledge, allowing me to access power that would normally require decades of dedication and study. In my previous life when I ascended to the first star I failed to awaken any element with characteristics it was only when I ascended to four stars that I awakened my first characteristic and it was not half as good as these two.

Putting aside my surprise at these revelations, I began to inspect my physical body and distribute my newly acquired stats. Once completed, I set aside the system interface and closed my eyes, concentrating on the internal changes I had experienced.

Beyond the elemental containers I had created for my elements, I noticed a new presence in the center of my chest. Although I could not see it directly, I knew that the first star had formed there, a symbol of my rise in rank. This promotion was not merely an improvement in statistics; it was an elevation of my very existence.

I clearly remember the confrontation I had with the leader of the hijackers. Although our stats were almost identical, he had an inherent advantage over me because of his higher rank. Now if I were to face him leaving aside that I have more stats I can subdue him in one move. 

As one ascends in rank, there comes a point where one ceases to be merely human and becomes something more, a higher existence. That is why it is said that reaching high enough ranks could transform someone into a god, although no one has achieved such a feat so far.

I decided to further expand my understanding of these changes. Sitting quietly, I focused on sensing the location and nature of the first star within me. This introspection allowed me to better adjust my focus and preparation for future battles and challenges. Understanding that each promotion in rank brings me closer to becoming a more powerful entity, I became even more motivated to move forward. 

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