Chapter 20: Search (3)

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With the information gleaned from the gang members during the interrogation, I headed toward the second base I had identified as a possible holding place for the kidnapped children. Although my hope of finding Chris there was high, unfortunately, the search proved fruitless as to his whereabouts. The visit was not in vain, however, as I managed to rescue sixteen other children who were in deplorable conditions, caught in the clutches of the gang.

Of the sixteen children, twelve decided to follow me after I offered them the same choice as the previous ones: join my group or go their own way. Understanding the gravity of their situation and perhaps sensing the security that my presence exuded, most opted to stay by my side.

I repeated the procedure I had used earlier, but this time I used a lower-ranked mana stone to power the concealment runes. The stone, while less powerful than a beast core, was enough to ensure effective concealment and keep the children safe in an abandoned building I had prepared beforehand. As I placed the runes around the room, I instructed the children on the importance of remaining still and silent until my return, emphasizing that everyone's safety depended on their cooperation.

With the children's safety temporarily assured, I made my way to the last den I had marked as Chris's possible location. My heart ached with each step, fearing that each new attempt would end in more frustration. Upon arrival, I discovered that there were only four children at this last location. None of them were Chris.

"Haa... So that's the worst case scenario, huh,"

a heavy sigh escaped my lips, laden with disappointment. It was the worst case scenario, that meant it had already been sold to a black market trader. Not that there aren't more groups, but when I questioned the guys, they told me that these four, including the one I destroyed, were the ones operating on the west and southwest side, where Chris was abducted. I guess I have to go where they possibly sent him. With resignation, I accepted that my next task would be to track down the buyer who was the sponsor of these three gangs.

After making sure the kids were safe in their temporary hideout, I returned to the group's base and headed straight for the room that appeared to be the leader's room. Fortunately, I found someone there: a dark-skinned, nearly six-foot-tall man with imposing musculature. Since he was not an awakened, his physical strength was no match for me, and I incapacitated him with relative ease.

Once he was under my control, I proceeded to obtain the information I needed on the whereabouts of the trader to whom Chris was likely sold.

With the location of the trader in my possession, the reason for not taking out the gangs was that it would draw too much attention, I had caused enough of a stir with just the first gang I dismantled.

I directed my steps towards the middle area, where the merchant's headquarters was located in an almost ten-story building. In the store it looked like an ordinary establishment selling items for the public, such as clothing, furniture and appliances. However, I knew this was just a front for his clandestine black market activities.

Finding myself in the middle zone, aware that security and the law were stricter here than in the outlying areas, I knew I could not act recklessly. I needed to find a way to infiltrate the trader's headquarters without arousing suspicion. While I was confident in my abilities to deal with any security measures I might encounter, I was also aware of the importance of caution in this situation.

I decided to enlist the help of Lili, who was far more proficient than I was in matters of infiltration. Although I knew she didn't exactly enjoy running errands, I politely asked her to look around the place for information.

"Hey, Lili, could you do me a favor and find out if this is the place where the kidnapped children are being held?" I asked, hoping for her cooperation. aware that, even if it is their headquarters they may be held somewhere else

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