Chapter 16: Informative Meeting

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What made me especially happy is that Lili brought a great benefit with her and those are the two characteristics, as their names imply concealment is a characteristic that allows me to hide everything from scent and presences and even your existence if taken to the extreme, that's why Lili's existence is almost impossible to detect unless she wants to even when I used the assimilation characteristic to merge with me I couldn't find her even though I knew she was merged with me.

And as for assimilation it's a bit complicated feature to apply but it allows me things like merging with shadows or darkness as well as many other uses.

I had outlined a plan before my hunting expedition, however, Lili's appearance had changed the dynamics of my strategies. Now, with her by my side, the possibilities had expanded and required revision and possibly, a new direction.

As I finished reviewing my status and assigning my stats, I observed Lili, who was looking at me expectantly, clearly waiting for me to finish taking care of my internal business. In a serene but curious tone, she asked me:

[So, what are we going to do now?]

"First of all, we need to establish a clear identity for everyone," I explained. Lack of official identification was a common problem among slum children; I was no exception. This situation stemmed from having taken a different path than in my past life. While the beginning was more challenging, this decision offered long-term advantages.

Before proceeding with any plans, I decided to review the information the children had gathered during my absence. 'They may have found data that could be useful to us,' I thought as I awaited their return.

Hours later, as I chatted with Lili about the general details of my revised plans, evening approached and the second group of children returned. Upon their arrival, they were eager to greet me, but before they could organize a noisy welcome, I rallied them to start a meeting.

"Ehem, let's start the briefing," I announced, clearing my throat to get their attention. Clayton, ever enthusiastic, was the first to report:

"Chief, we followed all the exercises you left us with and gathered as much information as possible."

Clayton provided a detailed report, covering everything from trivial details, such as the presence of other children loitering near our territory, to more worrisome matters, such as unknown individuals who seemed to be looking for something specific in the area. Although the children were unable to determine exactly what these subjects were looking for, one piece of information caught my attention: a merchant was offering a reward for information about his missing son.

"Do you have a picture or description of this person?", I asked, interested in learning more about this matter.

Clayton pulled out a poster showing a picture of a boy of about 11 or 12 years old, with green hair and golden eyes, highlighting prominent glasses. As I looked at the photo, I recognized the person. Despite his youth, the features were distinctive and I could not mistake him, especially those golden eyes that seemed to emit a glow of their own. The name on the sign, however, read [Chris Ventura], which created confusion as it did not match the memories I had. The possibility that he really was who I thought he was prompted me to look him up and his current location.

"Excellent work, everyone. Now, I have a new task for you," I announced, determined. With the information and capabilities I had recently strengthened, it was time to expand our operations. I instructed the children to continue to gather information and bring in more children who were homeless. "Gather them in a different location, not at our base. We will lure them in, promising them food and shelter, and once trust is established, we will integrate them fully into our group."

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