Chapter 58: invaluable companion

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It was the colossal figure of more than 30 meters: a blue dragon with four wings and two large curved horns had claws like obsidian, fangs that could easily tear anything, and its body with blue scales was covered with lines that were a kind of runes that seemed to be a natural phenomenon rather than something created, even I have only seen it a few times on some powerful creatures.

Although it was far away, I was able to detect thanks to my Eyes of Truth and its integration with clairvoyance that its range was about eight stars. Because of the range difference, my eyes were somewhat limited, but I could notice the mana it exuded, I could also tell that it was about to fire a dragon breath.

The whole city vibrated just from the dragon accumulating mana for the breath, and the children began to tremble, paralyzed. 'Worst case scenario, I'll take the children and run away with teleportation,' I thought. But before anything happened, a great tiger-like roar could be heard, scaring the children even more.

From my vantage point, I could see a small humanoid figure with armor that looked organic, like tiger fur, looking like a fusion of beast and man, who was flying in the direction of the dragon, facing the dragon's breath head on and deflecting it.

Obviously it did not come out intact, as the force of the impact sent it to the other side of the city, even further than my eyes could see. But it seems it did its job, as surprisingly a large barrier was projected over the city and a bolt of lightning from the center of the city struck the dragon.

The collision sounded like a big explosion causing a real earthquake in the city if it were not for the barrier the repercussions would be catastrophic, but I did not stop paying attention to what was happening and nothing escaped my sight I could see everything in detail.

The dragon plummeted out of the city, and a great roar was heard from the fall. At that moment, my brain raced and I thought of all the possibilities, coming to a quick decision.

"This is not something I should squander,"

quickly taking action. I transported myself out of the city, since the barrier wasn't blocking me. I was right next to the fallen creature, dying and on its last breath. The pressure it exuded was great, but I did not hesitate. I drew my top level (6 star) arcane elemental spear and aimed for its eye.

"Art of the Eclipse, third stance: Twilight Blast,"

['damn old fool stop trying to kill us at every turn'.]


Performing the most powerful attack he had ever done in this life. The spear pierced the eye of the eight star beast with a burst of grey lightning that made a huge explosion on contact, exploding its retina along with my spear.

The blast was so strong that it blew a spear of that rank to smithereens If Lili hadn't reinforced my hands at just the right moment with a dark defensive spell with the absorption trait, the great blast would have shattered my arms causing me to lose them.

But that didn't matter now, I could see that soldiers and other people were approaching and it would be a big problem even having Lili, with the concealment she activated as soon as she saw me teleport. Wasting no time, I put the corpse away and teleported to my room, where I passed out.




The next day, I woke up with Erlys and Miyuki by my side. I'm sure the door was locked, since I entered with teleportation. I looked at the door and it was destroyed. Feeling that this was too much, I woke up Erlys and Miyuki to scold them, but before I could say anything, Erlys pounced on me and hugged me tightly.

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