Chapter 59: Ascent to Four Stars

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Having everything settled, I turned to the kids who were apparently scolded by the owners of the place, so they had to pay for the repairs. We were eating in the restaurant downstairs when I overheard the conversations around me.

"Did you hear? According to my friend who is a guard, the dragon was the real leader of the invasion."

"Yes, and not only that. Apparently, the stingy ruler who chose to hire adventurers instead of using the barriers and protection spells had to use them anyway."

"Hehe, serves him right for being stingy."

"No doubt. He doesn't cause trouble for us, but he never invests in the city to improve it. He just spends the money on luxuries and parties he throws for whatever reason."


"But you know. I heard that the dragon's body only disappeared after he fell."

"Really? That big of a corpse wouldn't fit in a space bag unless it was of the highest quality."

"Hahaha, if the lord couldn't replace his losses with the body of such a rare beast. I'm sure a cheapskate like him only used the barrier and attack spell because he thought the dragon was worth more."

"Don't scoff so much. Even if he is what he is, he's a noble and could arrest you for any excuse he makes up."

"You're right, I got carried away. But everyone knows that, so I don't think it matters."

As I listened to the conversations, I was able to understand more about the current situation. I already knew that some city lords prefer to make requests to the Guild Association to hire adventurers, since activating those defense and attack formations is extremely expensive and they wouldn't use them unless it was a desperate situation. Still, apparently, the celebration party will go ahead as intended.

I spent the rest of the day preparing. In the evening, in my room that had already been arranged by the owners of the place, I made some protective and concealment barriers. I had asked the children not to disturb me because I would be busy all night, especially Erlys, who usually comes. Tonight I was preparing to advance in rank.

I spent most of the day getting my thoughts in order and how I was going to proceed, as these opportunities come along rarely in life. I had more or less made up my mind that I was going to awaken from the lightning element, and that was the sealing trait at Lili's request.

That was the trait she had in our previous life and the only one we did not awaken because we prioritized absorption. She told me that she was going to use this opportunity to awaken something that she had been thinking about for a long time in our previous life and that she believes has a good chance of being fulfilled, so she delegated to me the task of awakening the sealing trait.

I agreed, as I planned to awaken a new light element characteristic and would put almost all my attention on that, so it is better that the lightning awaken a characteristic that I already know.

Without further ado, with everything prepared, I set out to begin the ascension process. Directing the accumulated energy from the experience, I began to move it with my body, nourishing every part of it with that energy, making it more powerful and attuned to the mana.

On my chest, the three previously formed stars began to flicker in an irregular rhythm, as if they were following a melody that no one can hear. I felt how my body was becoming more powerful and how my existence was being elevated. The ecstasy of these sensations was unlike anything I could imagine, but I kept my focus and will on what was happening next.

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