Chapter: 76: Intense battle (2)

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The demon was still pressing with its claws that could destroy four star weapons easily, but still my unique weapon did not break, its third ability was to increase its hardness and sharpness the more mana and will I put into it was a skill based on the will trait adapted to the dagger, The demon retreated to gain momentum and attack me again, but I took advantage of the lack of contact and teleported a certain distance to its back.

Because the demon lost sight of me for a moment, I hid as best I could. At that moment, I scanned my body and I had deep wounds on my back.

Not only that, apparently the trait that made the purple demon mana had to do with poison, and it was very strong, enhanced with Demonic mana, which is a kind of poison by itself. Now with room to breathe I drank some mana, vitality and other stat boosting potions , I can't take care of these wounds passively so I started chanting:

"I call upon the forces of heavenly light,

to the pure rays that illuminate the heavens."

At that moment, the demon seemed to locate me and launched a barrage of attacks at me. I dodged them, but did not stop chanting.

"With the power of the stars and the grace of the stars,

"healing wounds visible and invisible,

purifying body, mind and spirit.

So be it."

"Blessing of the Lesser Eternal Light."

A healing spell of the light element imbued with the regeneration trait, making it more effective, as well as will and holy, to ward off poison and demonic mana trail. My wound began to heal quickly, but the wind blades came at me without giving me a break.

"Filthy human, what are you, why do you have so many elements and traits, how can darkness and light reside in one body?"

The concealment trait is strong, but only if they are not looking for you. Due to the urgency of the situation, the concealment spell was only three stars.

Besides, the demon was actively searching for me, so it was only a matter of time. Although I tried to conceal it, the mana from the healing spell attracted its attention. The difference in rank also played a role in him locating me.

"Are you an apostle of the gods, of the light? How can you easily cast spells of higher rank than you and also be so fast? What kind of abomination are you? Such a thing should not exist even with the help of the gods."

The demon was unhinged, hurling his complaints at me. 'How rude of him for a demon with such a grotesque appearance to call me an abomination,' as, through my Eyes of Truth, I noticed that his mana was running low. Perhaps that is why he now wants to take the fight to physical combat. The demon looked desperate and continued to complain to me.

It's true that people can usually only cast spells of their rank and, if they are talented, spells of a higher rank, but that's only if they are affordable ranks. A rank two casting three star spells is something, but a rank three star casting a four star spell is another matter.

It could only be done if you are a 100% mage, meaning all your stats are set to intelligence. Besides, it would take forever to chant the spell.

That's where the will and acceleration traits come in. The will trait allows me to easily visualize runes and operations by shortening the chant, and acceleration allows me to cast them faster.

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