Aspen ~ Creepypasta Original Character

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Birth Name:

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Birth Name:

Aspen Hathaway


Asphyxiation Aspen












Seemingly Selfish,

Easily upset,


Has a strange obsession with dolls,


Obsessed with seeming feminine,

Emotionally fragile,


Red string,


The color black,

Her yellow cardigan,


Thigh high socks,

Dim lights,


Music boxes,

Gentle tunes,

Nail polish,

Dark forests,

Cool wind,

The sound of Static,


​​​​​​​Older men,

Jeff the killer,


Being touched,


Tight clothing,

Large Knives,

Blood splatters,

Getting dirty,

Loud noises,

The way she Kills:

Asphyxiation ​​​​​​​Aspen, hence her nickname, strangles people to death with a red string that is wrapped around her fingers. She goes into clubs and picks out perverts and older men, she lures them into the forest and promises them... Things... She will then wrap the string around her wrists, making sure it's long enough to wrap around the victims neck. She will then get behind the man and pull as hard as she can, strangling them to death. When they finally go limp she will stab a needle near the heart area of into their neck as hard as she can, sometimes multiple times. Till they're dead. She then takes her string and ties the dead man from a tree branch by their neck and from around their joints, so they look like a puppet. She will usually pull out the needles and clean then of any blood,


​​​​​​​Aspen has always been and anxious, anti-social kid, she never liked going to school. She hated going to events with tons of people and she hated people talking to her out of nowhere. Her mother and father always ignored this and refused to homeschool Aspen and forced her into big social events. And if Aspen disagreed or complained her parents would beat her. Because of this Aspen decided that her feelings didn't matter, only her parent's feelings mattered. Aspen never talked to anyone at school if her parents weren't there. If they were there she would talk to everyone she could.

When Aspen was fourteen years old her father became... Strange... Perverted and always made inappropriate advances towards Aspen and her mother. Aspen, not knowing how to say 'No' at the time, just let it happen. Eventually her dad had come home drunk out of his mind, he walked up to Aspens room when she was there. She asked what he needed and since he was acting on instinct, walked in, pushed Aspen to her bed and started trying to undress her. Aspen started hearing a loud noise, her vision went slightly blurry and before she could even think about what she was doing she had a white ribbon around her fathers neck, she pulled as tight as possible and closed her eyes. Her father went still and collapsed. She pushed his unconscious body onto the floor, she backed away. She couldn't believe what she had just done. But a voice in her head started telling her that she should make sure he never tries that again. So she picked up one of the sewing needles from around her room, got on top of her father, and stabbed the needle into a large vein in his neck as hard as she could about ten times. Till her father had no pulse as wasn't breathing anymore.

Aspen got off her father and stumbled backwards, she couldn't believe what she just did. She began rambling and mumbling, saying how her mother was going to kill her for this... But for some reason she felt good, she had harmed someone who had harmed her. "What beautiful karma..." she thought to herself. She started giggling and she ran downstairs to her mother with her white ribbon and needle. "What are you doing darlin? Where is your father?" She asked, Aspen just continued to giggle as she walked closer to her mother. She got so close the point where they were about a foot away from each other before Aspen jumped onto her mother and started wrapping the ribbon around her neck while he mother attempted to scream. "I have a present for you! It's called karma...! Goodbye now!" Aspen whispered, watching her mother's face turn purple from lack of oxygen with a pleading look on her face. Aspens mother passed out from how tight Aspen was pulling on the ribbon and Aspen repeated the process she had done with her father only moments before.

Aspen just kept giggling uncontrollably, she didn't believe what she did, she had successfully killed two horrible people. She fell backwards onto the hardwood floor beneath her. Her vision went blurry, her head filled with voices, the only thing she could hear was a loud whistle like noise. It got louder and louder. Aspen felt a wave of terror and excitement washed over her. Oh how she wanted to kill more, and kill more she did.


​​​​​​​Past: When Aspen was a child she wore floral dresses, ​​​​​​​her hair in pigtails, a red bracelet around her wrist, fake gold necklaces, and pink sneakers.

Preteen: When Aspen was in middle school she wore black jeans, a white tee with a checker pattern in the center, a white and black striped undershirt, a gold belt chain, and white boots.

Current: Currently Aspen wears a white, sleeveless sweater, a oversized yellow cardigan, black denim shorts, white and black striped socks, dark red boots, a white mask, and a red ribbon around her neck.

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