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The chilly air of April hitting my skin obviously, was the effective remedy to wake me up despite the sleepless night I had yesterday. I needed to thank the wind blown for still being frosty despite it had been roughly 3 weeks since the spring started. Hadn't for it, I probably could've slept while walking.

The first day of having a relationship literally, made me lose sane and the adrenaline inside me was too high resulting in me staying awake all night. What surprised me was when I received a text message from Evelyn this morning asking 'Did you ever sleep last night?'

It made me blink furiously at the phone screen thinking that this was the side effect of receiving a confession. And unfortunately, I was the only one who didn't know. Why nobody had ever warned me first about it?

But, again, who wouldn't be ecstatic to finally go on an anticipated relationship?


I flinched when suddenly my name was called - so loudly, that I immediately turned to my right side just to find two faces confusedly looking at me - both had their cheeks stuffed with bites of sandwich.

Ah... I forgot that I was having brunch at the nearest park, on a long bench provided, with Haknyeon and Sangyeon.

"The sauce is dripping!" Another yell was heard from my left side, a girl then shoved a tissue paper into my hand. Actually, she ended up cleaning me.

Rosie - the newest addition to my team. Simply put, she was my PA - who I thought I never needed but thanks to Sangyeon, I finally realized I needed one. This girl was the sweetest, she helped with every single thing that I sometimes felt everything was too easy except for breathing.

"Were you even listening to me?" Sangyeon suddenly asked for what sounded like he had been on repetition. He took a big bite of his sandwich as he glanced over at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't," I apologized but not very sorry - honestly. "I couldn't sleep last night, so, it feels weird right now."

"Speaking of that..." Sangyeon paused to swallow down the food before he added. "Where were you yesterday? I saw your car in the basement parking late evening."

Busted. This was the reason why I asked Kevin to drop me at the cafe because there would be a high possibility that we would run into Sangyeon. And if we did, what should I tell him? That we just came back from confessing to each other? We were having our own moment?

"That sounds weird," I mumbled alone which Rosie unfortunately noticed. I waved her off and focused back on the big boss. "I was at the cafe. Too caught up with gossip."

More better than my first thought. Besides, Kevin wasn't ready to expose our relationship yet so, I guessed the reasoning would work.

"You girls should tone down the gossip," Sangyeon said and soon after he was bombarded with 'why' from the three of us - Haknyeon was included. "Anyway, earlier I asked how is your progress for the new book?"

"Ongoing..." I replied, taking a small bite of my sandwich. I accidentally met his killing stare that was questioning 'Are you sure?' which made me choke. "Slowly...? But, I promise you, everything is under control!"

I might sound too excited right now, too energetic to be specific. And the worst part was, all of them noticed because I looked different. Haknyeon even chewed halfway and weirdly stared at me. What have I done? Was this how I exposed myself to the new relationship?

"You surprisingly look brighter today..." Haknyeon suspiciously remarked and a sharp gaze darted on my face. "Unlike you the past 2 months."

"Valid!" Rosie interfered. "Ivy was so in a bad mood before that she's unable to write even a word."

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