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The smirk on my face was inevitable, the picture I was seeing right now was priceless.

Who would even expect that this sight would unfold after all the dramas that happened in my life? My 15-year-old self would've cried if she knew that the boy she fell in love with - Kevin Moon, was laughing with her mother in their living room, talking about something she didn't know while she left for her room for about 5 minutes.

The devil inside me was whispering that I shouldn't have trusted the image my mother portrayed right now. For, she was once doubting Kevin's feelings for me and not to forget how she constantly asked me to move on. And what? Suddenly, now she loved Kevin so much? More than I loved him?

Stop it.

I shook my head rather vigorously to stop the devil from consuming my head. I'd promised to let it go, I shouldn't have replayed all the pain when I already decided to open a new book with only happiness filled in.

So, I joined them in the living room, sitting on the armrest of the long couch they both occupied. My mother was the first who noticed my presence, her orbs found mine before she shifted them back to Kevin.

"You have to stay until dinner," she told Kevin. "You must, okay?"

"I will!" Kevin beamed, trailing her movement in an attempt to leave the area where her playful gaze darted on me.

God, it's awkward.

It was then, that Kevin called my name and patted the space next to him, beckoning me to sit. Automatically, my head went blank. In my view, I just arrived, and no spying and interacting with my mother existed. It was only us - me and Kevin.

"See what I bring," I waved the square thing in my grasp high in the air as soon as I plopped next to him.

His eyes only darted on the thing, following its movement wherever I trailed it like a hungry cat wanting its treat. Kevin seemed to be drooling upon seeing my book which I personally thought was exaggerating.

Little did I know, his long arm reached forward, grabbing the book and swiftly snatching it away from me before I could process it thoroughly. It was now under his care.

He flipped open the cover, drawing his smile broadly as he saw my signature on the first blank page. It was his wish to have my signed book but my delusional thought said, he couldn't hide his smile because of the message I wrote under the signature.

It was nothing interesting. Neither did it was romantic. I just wrote it as for the moon which belongs to the star, I wish this book could be a good company just like how the moon being the one in my long and dark night. It was too normal to be simping over, didn't it?

"I like it that I always have something to be smiled on," he suddenly said, tossing the book aside and staring into my eyes. Before I realized it, I mirrored his action, again, absorbing myself into the calmness his eyes held.

"You're talking like you haven't smiled for 100 years," I wriggled a brow, watching him flustered.

"That's not what I meant," he frowned. "I mean... if I need to be randomly smiling or laughing, it's because of you. All these smallest things you do will always remind me of you."

Heart attack.

He'd always been tsundere, he'd always been wearing the stoic expression on his face - undoubtedly he's an introvert, and nobody could've guessed his real feelings. When I showed him affection - which was not really much since we were unable to see each other often, I put so much effort into it but I never knew how he viewed it. Sometimes, I did think that maybe I was too much since he never showed any emotion.

But, right now, it seemed like my delusions weren't only delusions. I should have faith in my delusions because Delulu is the solulu.

Kevin adjusted his posture on the couch, his body was now facing me wholly. As I watched him, his face seemed to be portrayed confusion, his right hand was circling in the air as if he was arranging words to say.

I intently watched and patiently waited until he huffed, cancelling his intention. I'd lost my cool.

"What is it? You do not leave me hanging!" My eyes widened as to intimidate him. But, he was still calm even when I shook his body. "Say it!"

"Woooahhh... calm down!"

It was then, at one point he seemed to frustrate. Both of his hands held both of my wrists stopping me from the constant violence.

Kevin then sighed, and the grasp around my wrists came loose. "It's nothing important. I think it would be only a nuisance if you know."

"You haven't told so how could you speculate like that?" I pondered, looking straight into his eyes.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Shoot it!"

Once again he sighed, blinking once in the process. I could sense that this thing had concerned him a lot but how could he just keep it to himself? He should've told anyone. Even if it wasn't me, he still had Jacob or... Chanhee. They were probably not really normal but they could be the ears.

"I don't know what I'm feeling," he started. "It feels like my heart was getting squished, being sliced with a sharp sword and it's painful..."

I gulped, suddenly getting the aura of a serial killer case.

"When did you feel so?" I questioned.

"When I read Moonlights' message for you on the page..." He bit his lower lip while I snorted - unintentionally. "See! Told you it's a nuisance."

"I didn't say anything," I shrugged, pursing my lips into a thin line next.

"Why do I feel so, Ivy?" He was damn serious when he questioned but I couldn't keep the seriousness right now.

I was dying to say something like welcome to the jealous world, bro. You are finally a normal human. But, I didn't. Simply because Kevin seemed to have another concern that I should hear.

"Your team..." He looked down at his fiddled fingers, avoiding my stare. "I love how you guys bonding so well. They protect you well and they help you with everything which I couldn't stop from feeling that... it should be me doing all that for you."

Now, I was smiling. For, my wish had come true. I finally could see Kevin Moon getting jealous.

The rest of the day was him listing out everything he felt - passionately, without having to hear me saying that all those were felt because of jealousy.

Instead, I told him, "I wish I could have you here longer."

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