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Indeed, there are thousands and even millions of stars hanging in the sky and that fact is what makes me so mad.

12 years ago, because of my obliviousness, I thought she was just one of the stars I used to view at night. So, I viewed her normally, admiring how she protected everything she had with all her might in silence. At that time, we were just a mere teen, we had no wealth to secure, and we just had ourselves and friends. I simply thought that friends would never have any special spot because people come and go along with time. However, this one star changed my perspective.

The way she valued her friends, putting them first before herself made me realize that true friends do exist and she was one of them, and still is. Of course, as a normal human, a misunderstanding happened - so did she and her friends. It was a big fight but nobody realized except me. Suddenly they stopped talking though they were still seatmates. And I found myself hating the sight.

So, I tried my best to have them reconciled. For, it hurt my soul as well to see them not talking. Looking back, it's funny when I was too worked up on their problem. It's just... there was something beautiful about their friendship that I was worried they would regret it if they let each other go. Thank God, they finally back to being friends and I thought my job as a classmate was finally over.

10 years passed by and we met again. She's still the same but more interesting, I guess. The friendship she secured a decade ago? It has bloomed more than I could expect!

And... all of a sudden, I realized, that she's actually the brightest star in the sky - back then and now. She has caught my attention all the time. So, I decided on something big. To conclude her as a friend and to know her as a girl.

A lot... a lot of things I learned from her. She would try her best to stand on her own feet though it hurt her so much. Her endurance in every life test is top-tier and I feel like I want to learn from her. As a girl, Ivy, and not as a writer, she could rely on me in everything she did, but in case it would burden me, she kept all the challenges to herself.

I'm not meddling with anyone's life. I just hope that the onlookers can make a better judgement on this matter. Is it relevant to lose someone who undoubtedly has entertained and encouraged many with her writings just because of groundless rumours that are not even related to society? And one more thing I beg from everyone who's reading this, words surely can kill, so please mind everything you say.

Kevin touched my heart with his real plan. The lengthy post along with my picture in the maroon dress which he secretly pictured on our date after the meet and greet where he surprisingly appeared was posted on his social media - me and my friends were tagged.

If I needed to admit it, that was genius.

Just from a simple post, he had proven a lot of things. He indirectly told people that he knew the four of us who had been the centre of attention these days for quite some time, spilling on my personality from his point of view, and indirectly confessed to the world that we were dating. I didn't expect the last considering how he wanted to go slow and hide our relationship from getting known.

But, in the end, he was the one who was spilling the truth. So unexpected.

He seemed to find out that I'd seen the post while we were standing across from each other - the crossroad separating us. He wandered his gaze everywhere but me, perhaps he thought I wanted to blow up.

The red light for pedestrians was now blinking, making the moving vehicle start to slow down and I had instructed my brain to get ready. For, I would be going to him.

Surprisingly, Kevin seemed to understand my body language. So, when the red light blinked for the last time before it changed to green, he just stood there watching over me with a small smile on his face.

And when I took the first step on the striped road, he spread his arms wide, the plastic bag which contained the cold drinks he bought swinging in the air. Right there, I ran. All the feelings mixed up inside me had drawn the biggest smile on my face, and the giddiness just made me want to be closer to him though it hadn't been long since we were apart.

But, then, in the middle of the road, I stopped. The green light was still bright when I glanced over while panting. Kevin was taken aback, and slowly his arms fell beside his body.

"Why do you do that?" I questioned, still trying to steady my breath.

He shrugged, "Just because... It's unfair for you so I want to help."

"Wrong answer."

He flinched.

"Boys..." I scoffed, rolling my eyes in the process. "Try again."

Say that you love me, silly!

He really took his leisure time to think, or actually, he didn't want to think at all. Well, if he was thinking about the second, he should know that I wasn't an easy girl either.

"Come here first," he beckoned, once in a while glancing over the light. "It's gonna be red again soon. Faster, Ivy."

I smirked.

"Say it first... Why did you do that?" I challenged and Kevin Moon started to be anxious. Specifically when the green light started to blink.

It was soon gonna be the vehicle's turn to move and I was still standing in the middle of the striped road, waiting for my boyfriend to admit his real feelings to me. That he loved me.

Just for once, I wanted to hear it directly. Not that I didn't believe him, but I would like to see Kevin Moon being honest on my face.

By now, cold sweats started to wet his back - I was sure of it. He looked so desperate when he called me over but I was still the hardheaded Ivy for the time being. Although, if I needed to tell the truth, I was anxious as well. What if the cars ran over me?

Faster, Kevin!

"Urm..." He was raiding his brain, his brows furrowed every so often trying to find just anything to say. "Okay! What do you want me to say?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Didn't you do that because you love me?" I finally gave in and he dramatically gasped, internally squeezing out his anger for not being able to think of the simple thing.

"I love you, Ivy! I'm taking the role of your protector so I'm spilling to the world who am I for you!" He yelled to beat the starting roaring engine from all the vehicles which obviously were giving me warnings to move.

With another blink of the green light, I dashed with all my might while Kevin Moon scoffed to the sky before he once again opened his arms wide. Seriously, I should've recorded this moment, so that I could use it to blackmail Kevin in the future.

Giggling, I reached the end of the crossroad making Kevin think that I was going to crash into his embrace but no! Instead, I snatched away the plastic bag hanging from his hand. He yelped with a loud hey!

Melodious honks from the vehicles were heard, some of the cars had rolled their windows down and cheered for us and a brief moment I felt proud of myself. For someone who was dealing with social anxiety, I did a very good job of embarrassing myself.

But, honestly, I never realized that there were a lot of eyes looking at us. When I was with Kevin Moon, the world felt like ours.

Only me and him.

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