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As planned, we - Kevin and I, ditched everyone.

The bouquet he got for me had been the only thing I brought, and never once the roses left my grasp. Every so often, I would take a sniff and squeal as the rosy scent hit my senses. I'd never received any flowers before so, it would be understanding to behave like this.

Kevin brought me to a park in our town - we travelled back from the event for about half an hour. Quite a famous one since it was the only one which could fit this small town. During spring, even locals would stroll around for its calm view - beautiful cherry blossom trees lined up along the pavement.

Living in a small town was all fine and comfortable until when you came here for a date, you started to worry if anyone would see you. When I say anyone, it could even be your next-door neighbour and, you could expect what would happen from there.

But, maybe luck was on my side today. The park was empty. It wasn't that late, it was only 4 p.m. but I wasn't complaining. If anything, I would be happy not to be seen in public.

I was left alone, standing on the pavement under one of the trees. Kevin said he would get some stuff but I couldn't get any hint of what they would be. 10 minutes had passed and he was still nowhere to be seen.

It felt like I was being stood up. But, of course, it wasn't. It was just my feeling.

"Where is him?" Contrary to the question I ejected, I stared down on the ground at my flat shoes, then at the roses which I pulled close to my body. Then, this maroon knee-length dress caught my attention.

Never in a thousand years, I'd imagined myself in this colour. For me, red and maroon were too outstanding and catching eyes, that people would be looking if I passed by. And that was uncomfortable. But, Rosie really convinced me to try. It suits you, was what she said.

A swoosh of evening air then blew, making the dress look flowy. Lucky me, they dolled my hair in a high ponytail, so, it wouldn't mess up and I just needed to fix my curls.

It's less annoying that way.

The more spring had prolonged, the less chilly the breeze was. It started to be hotter now as summer was about to approach. Maybe, that was why cherry blossoms started to fall out from their branches. Because, when I looked up, they were falling over me like droplets of rain.

"Wow..." I was mesmerised by the nature's beauty.

Click, click.

The sound of the camera clicking was so loud that my head whipped around scanning the area and looking for its source. In one direction, I instantly smiled upon seeing Kevin frozen after getting caught - his phone was on the same level as his face when I turned around. Perhaps he saw me catch him through the lenses?

"I... you..." He stuttered as he kept his phone and cleared his throat once. "I couldn't help taking some. You and the roses and also the falling cherry blossoms created the good picture."

I laughed, and at the same time wondered - did he always this awkward?

"Let me see the outcome later," I proposed as he strode closer to me, a big grin on his face.

"Oh, one sec..." He then jogged even faster towards me, his one hand then reached the crown of my hair. "You got some on your hair."

He picked up all the loose petals on my head and threw them aside, while I adored his concentrated face while doing so.

My brain travelled back to 12 years ago when I first fell in love with him. Adoring him from a corner of the classroom, watching him study or play around made me fall even deeper in every second. My classmates had once questioned: what made you like him? There are tons of other boys who look better than him.

I scoffed back then. How could they see Kevin Moon as unpretty? He was the Kevin Moon, like come on everyone!

But, it wasn't about visuals. It was about his personality and his heart that made me adore him more and more. It was about himself that had been the triggering button for me wanting to be a better person. Back then and now. He had changed me. I was grateful that our worlds collided.

"Kevin Moon is everything love can be described as," I found myself saying it aloud, his hand stalled above my head as he glanced down at my face.

Then he smiled, resuming his task as he asked, "For instance?"

"Urm... a rock for being so hard to impress, a shade for secretly being a shield because he really cared without saying it aloud," I made a disgusted face and he gasped. Our eyes then met when I continued, "And the moonlight, which has been lighting up the dark path at night."

He smiled again. This time it was a soft one. So comforting. I never expected him to say anything because I knew how clueless he was to be a romanticist.

But, he surprised me with a compliment. "You are stunning in red. I was awestruck earlier."

"Well, thanks," I pondered. "So what makes you come back late?"

"Oh! I got drinks for us!"

He raised the drink carrier with 2 cups on both sides higher for me to see which I didn't lie that I was surprised. Why didn't I notice it in the first place since his arrival? Was he too stunning for me to notice anything else?

The one I took from his hand was an iced cappuccino while he drank iced americano because Kevin Moon would always have his coffee black. A sip travelled down my throat and I could feel my eyes freshened up. No more sleepy even the slightest.

But, it somehow reminded me of what had happened during the event. Joochan got me the iced mocha. Suddenly, my heart palpitated weirdly which I knew not from the amount of caffeine I consumed, but from the memory. Right now, I was scared. Standing close to Kevin was scary.

"Let's sit there," Kevin beckoned to a bench ahead, and I faintly flinched at the impact of hearing his voice. I hoped it was unnoticeable.

Plopping down on the bench, I placed the bouquet between us and nervously wrapped my hands around the cold cup of my drink. Contrary to my state, Kevin looked normal as he crossed his legs, comfortably admiring the fallen petals from the tree above us.

I was wondering what exactly happened earlier. Or was I wrong all along? Did Kevin never meet Joochan? Was it all coincidence that they were in the same place? If that was the case, then I should feel relieved.

"I almost forgot how majestic this place is," suddenly he said, squinting his eyes at two doves passing by the concrete. "I should have come home regularly, right?"

"If you ask me, I'd say I want you to stay here forever with us... With me," the last part was mumbling out of my mouth but I was certain he heard it well.

Kevin giggled, nudging his shoulder softly against mine as he said, "Maybe I will one day."

Silence then fell upon us, I started to feel comfortable. Maybe my assumption was right all along. There had nothing happened between Kevin and Joochan.

"Oh, by the way," Kevin straightened his body and his legs disentangled as he looked at me with a slightly scrunched face. "I don't know if I'm right but... isn't the guy at the event earlier your ex?"

God, I'm dead.

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