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"Wait... wait..." My eyes lingered everywhere as to process things I just heard. The genuineness was doubted, the sanity of mine right now was highly questioned.

Melodious laughter was heard from all the figures presented in Sangyeon's office as I confusedly jolted up from my seating - stumbling in the process and Kevin next to me got alerted to save me from the fall.

"Careful..." He reminded with fury filled in his eyes while his hand stalled in the air. It reminded me of the day we went to the school reunion where I got truly fluttered by all his care towards me.

"I'm fine... I'm fine..." I repeated, taking a few steps away from the table whose owner was sitting at one side, and another side was occupied by both me and Kevin while Haknyeon was standing at the width of the table, Joochan had disappeared - thanks God. "How can I process this?"

"Just accept the fact, I guess?" Haknyeon shrugged in which I quickly turned towards him, pointing at his face.

"That's what I mean. How can I accept the fact?" I let my hand fall beside my frame afterwards, breathing harder than usual. "You guys are telling me that my book is being nominated for an award. How can I digest this?!"

Haknyeon was heard scoffing. Both of his arms were pulled up to form a cross over his chest. "Sometimes, I really can't catch up with you and your randomness. Other writers would be so ecstatic by now, why must you be like this?"

"I really want to scream right now but I forgot how to," I rambled, all ten of my fingernails were now diving into my hair in an attempt to pull them off. "Is this a dream? Am I dreaming right now?"

Again, Sangyeon heartily laughed and Kevin mumbled cute under his breath which sounded truly faint but managed to catch my ears. Hadn't it, I wouldn't be stealing glances at him who was darting his gaze on his lap.

"What if I hit you for you to find out whether this is a dream or not?" Haknyeon suggested with sparkles shooting out of his eyes which I subconsciously answered yes, please.

I was still looking at Kevin, patiently waiting for him to turn to face me. I wanted to dive into his glistening-with-emotions eyes, genuinely curious about what he was thinking. Whether yes or not what had I heard? Did he really find me cute in this situation?

Because of that, I didn't notice that Haknyeon was launching a slap to land on my arm. I only realized that the violence was about to reach me when Sangyeon pushed his chair, and the screeching sound echoed.

"Don't... Haknyeon... don't," the boss sternly warned. To my surprise, Sangyeon suddenly looked dishevelled, like he had been aged 10 years older when a few minutes ago he was too cheerful. He sighed before he called Kevin's name and spoke, "I'm sorry you have to see all these unmatured kids in my building. Trust me, I feel tired too to deal with them."

"Bro... I just want to grant Ivy's wish!" Haknyeon yelled in defence, horror was all over his face. "What did I do wrong?"

"Take a look at her now," Sangyeon beckoned the boy in my direction which I found myself levitating. I couldn't decipher what was happening right now, I just flickered my gaze from the boss to the boy back and forth. "She's not even in reality. Do you think what she asked was sane?"

"What did I ask?" I mumbled. Everything that happened so far was too much for me to handle.

It still felt like a dream to me when I was told that my new book was nominated for an award which Sangyeon would plan with the team to start collecting votes until the closing in the next summer. It was something I couldn't easily believe because I'd never dreamed of being big as well.

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