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I definitely, was in a big problem.

Though the clock had ticked forward three times in 24 hours, I was unmoving. I was left behind on the 3 days prior, every so often recalling the unexpected conversation I had with Kevin.

He did plan a marriage with me, which had been the biggest impactful part that eventually made me unable to move on from that day. I was reminded of it every single time no matter what was I doing.

Who wouldn't be crazy at the thought of it? Just imagine it: Kevin Moon, my crush since high school who I prayed for, who I'd confessed to twice - and being rejected, who had been showing interest in me at last but was left hanging, who I finally had an official relationship with after 12 years, actually, was thinking about marrying me just a day after we were dating.

What else could be more insane than this?

And until now, I would be smiling like a fool when I recalled his soothing voice saying it. God!

"Are you in a relationship?"

The sudden query snapped me into reality, a drastic fall of my face as I scanned the surroundings. It was Sangyeon who was asking, his eyes which were covered with glasses darted to his laptop screen while his one hand on the mouse kept scrolling to move the view down - he was reviewing my manuscript. For a brief moment, I thought that maybe he wasn't asking me but we were alone in his office - he summoned me here to discuss the progress of my current work.

"Is my question not intriguing enough for you to answer?" He asked again, this time, his gaze trailed to my face.

"Why are you asking that anyway?" I questioned back, slumping comfortably against the chair.

He mirrored my posture, a swift move in removing his glasses which he set aside on the desk.

"You've been so unusual these days..." he raised a brow at me as if he was scanning me thoroughly from head to toe. "And this manuscript..."

At the mention of my work, I sensed chills travelling down my spine, my heart skipped a beat and my breath stuck in my throat. Please don't say anything bad about my manuscript.

"W-What about it?" I gulped as I asked and I freaked out when he leaned forward, clasping both of his hands on the desk.

"It's good," he confirmed, and I breathed out in relief almost instantly. "The way you write is so Ivy-coded."

I chuckled. What that was supposed to mean? Of course, it had my signature, it was my work.

"I'm offended, Sangyeon."

"Please do," he shrugged. "I'm stating the fact as someone who raised you. After the... you know... the change you made in yourself - your first sad ending book, your fiction afterwards was describing more of a hopeless romantic. And this... I could confirm that you are back and I have a good hunch for this. So, I thought maybe you have someone in mind who inspired you."


"I... don't," and it was accompanied by an awkward laughter. But, Sangyeon seemed to catch my lie, his intimidating stare was piercing through my skull. "I..."

Think, Ivy! I couldn't simply announce my defeat like this, right? But, lying was never my speciality.

"C'mon, Ivy... I won't forbid you from dating," he took his glasses and blew dust from the surface. "It's just I'm curious who this guy is."

A small smile subtly formed on my face, but I held it well from spreading wider. It was still too early to tell Sangyeon about this. Not like he would spread the words, but I just didn't want to be teased after strongly denying my feelings once.

"You know..." I squinted my eyes at him. "When the time comes for me to reveal my plus 1 to the world later, I'm sure everyone will be in a great shock."


"Because I will be the biggest plot twist one can find," I confirmed, running my tongue along my molars next.

But, he did not look surprised. Instead, he was unfazed and I wondered why such a reaction could be seen on his face. But, when he opened his mouth, I understood it well - that he was trapping me.

"So, you are in a relationship."


"Let's not talk about this," I jolted up, cupping my hip next. "I shall continue writing. The deadline is chasing me."

Sangyeon nodded, beckoning me to the door proving me the dismissal. I turned on my heels, took a few steps to the exit and grabbed the knob but then my soul had been robbed out of my body. And it was all because of Sangyeon's words.

"Congratulations on finally having your dreams come true. I'm sure Kevin will be the best guy you've ever met."

My world was spinning. It seemed like there was no ground underneath my feet and I was levitating in the air. What's going on?

"H-How do you know?" I absentmindedly asked as I turned back to face him, my face pale. Though I knew, nothing could go wrong even if Sangyeon found out, I was more worried that Kevin would be mad if he knew that more people had known about us.

Sangyeon chuckled at my expression. Then, he rose, pocketing his hands as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Was it 3 days ago that I intended to see you in your compartment and I overheard your conversation with Kevin?" He pondered before his muscles relaxed and found my face. "I heard everything and it shocked me that you never planned to spill the tea."

"Sangyeon..." I felt pain creeping slowly into my chest. Hearing him saying that somehow broke my heart into thousands of pieces. For, he raised me. He was like my brother and even a father that I didn't know I had. I wouldn't want to keep it from him. "It's not the time yet to tell. Kevin, he... he's not ready to-"

"Chill..." He assured, and his muscular arms were then crossed over his chest. "I don't have any right to force either of you. It's your life, it's up to you. But, I am a regular passenger of your ship."

I chuckled. He was so... father-coded?

"Can you please keep this a secret?" I proposed and he immediately sealed his lips, motioning an action of zipping them up. "Thank you."

He raised a thumb while blinking once. Just like that, I knew, we had sorted out things. I believed him, that was sure.

"I wish you two could move to the next phase fast," he told me before I stepped out of his office and closed the door behind me.

I was overwhelmed all of a sudden. My friends and also Sangyeon, all wished the best for me and Kevin. It wasn't that long since we started dating yet the prayers and wishes really made me nearly shed tears.

At one point, I found myself typing a message to be sent to Kevin Moon despite him being MIA for 3 days.

A lot of people are praying for our happiness - was what I typed.

But then, I never sent it. I deleted everything and locked my phone.

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