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"The process is going well. So, you don't need to worry," Sangyeon told me through the phone call. Though I couldn't see him right now, I could imagine him smiling as he said that.

"I... can skip a few days not coming to the office, right?" My heart pounded too much awaiting his answer. And I should've known better that he was still a child in heart when he played push and pull with me, not giving me a straight answer.

"Hmm..." He trailed off as if he was thinking which I pictured him comfortably leaning against his swivel chair in that white shirt with a necktie firmly tied around the collar.

He was testing my patience, no doubt. Because everyone knew, even Rosie and Haknyeon knew that once I submitted my manuscript for finalizing to Juyeon, it would only mean one thing. Ivy could have her resting phase until the printing process had finished.

But, it was also my fault. Why did I care to ask the obvious when I knew how playful this grownup boss was?

Sangyeon then laughed. Perhaps he heard my inner thought or he was entertained at how heavy my sigh was. Any one of that, I must have looked so funny in his eyes right now.

"Yes, you can," he confirmed, screech sound from the swivel chair was heard. Sangyeon probably had jolted up to gaze at the clear sky. I noticed he did that frequently like it was a remedy when he was in deep thought. "Why are you still asking when you already know the answer?"

Right. Blame the respect I had for him. It was like a habit - to ask for a confirmation although I knew what the answer would be.

"You know... If I am in a world full of girls and you miraculously appear and ask me to leave with you, I will not hesitate to follow," I nodded at my own speech though he couldn't see. "That is how much I believe you."

"Ooh... Kevin is lost, then."

"I'm not lying. You're first."

I took a moment of silence and he did the same. I didn't know about him, but my mind had travelled back to those darkest times when I was at my lowest, crying hard to be saved. As an outsider - not my family members and not even my friends, Sangyeon stayed with me like he was one of them. His comforting words, actions and assurance helped me a lot to recover. Perhaps, the way I treated him right now was only to pay back the kindness I received.

"I'm hanging up," he then remarked. "Go enjoy yourself. Maybe, go for a date."

And the line was cut.

Much to my disbelief, I just laughed it off, thinking how does he know before I got out of my car, being greeted by the sun that seemed to shimmer brighter than most previous days of spring. Or was this place originally shining brighter than our small town?

Anyway, yes, I'd be going on a date and I wondered how Sangyeon could tell. Was it really a mere guess? Or did he eavesdrop again?

This date was an unplanned one. I'd never thought to go on one either. It just happened through the phone call with Kevin the other day. He said he wanted to do something for me to celebrate my finished manuscript but the distance between us had been the only barrier. That he couldn't squeeze his schedule to travel back to me.

As an understanding girlfriend, I told him that it was okay. If he couldn't come to me then I could go to him. Honestly, it came out of my mouth rather randomly, I did not use my brain before I spat it out. I thought he wouldn't agree either but the surprise crashed over me when he said 'Really? Then, we shall plan for one.'

And here I was, standing in the parking lot of an amusement park, looking clueless. This wasn't my place to begin with and above all, I hoped Kevin did not forget the fact that I wouldn't be good with crowds.

"So... where is him?" I sighed, absorbing the Vitamin D from the sunlight.

As if I was enchanting a spell, two continuous taps were then landed on my shoulder. I swore I flinched and almost cursed if not for my quick thinking not to embarrass myself in public. With a still-furious-beating heart, I glanced over my shoulder with a wide grin plastered on my face, knowing exactly who was approaching.

However, as soon as I found those exciting orbs looking into mine, I found my smile disappeared almost immediately. Contrary to me, he smiled the widest as he mouthed a small hi with a baby-girl wave of his hand. I grimaced at the sight of Choi Chanhee being excited.

What is he doing here?!

"We've been waiting," he said, slightly springing on his feet.

"We?" I couldn't help furrowing my brows and even scrunching my face when Chanhee excitedly nodded as he pointed behind his back.

So, I glanced over his shoulder as well, spotting Kevin with one hand pocketed striding closer to us. I really wanted to know what was he thinking about bringing Chanhee third-wheeling our date. My angry brain really couldn't comprehend any of this situation.

"Hey, Ivy..." He smiled which normally would soothe my anger down. But, Chanhee's perfume struck me hard which made my anger double. Anything about that guy right now really drove me insane.

Walking towards the entrance, I'd been silent along the track. A part of me was still angry at the skinny penguin who was leading the way, and another part of me was a bit disappointed with Kevin. I was looking forward to this date because we did not have much time to spend together but it seemed to have ruined now with the presence of Choi Chanhee.

"How about roller-coaster first?" Chanhee excitedly asked. I'd never seen him this energetic before. "Or merry-go-round?"

"Are you 10 years old?" Sarcastically, I returned him a question which he then scoffed.

"Whatever!" He spat and ran to the ticket booth like a toddler.

God, I could've sworn, my energy had drained and the best part was, we barely started.

I unknowingly scoffed before I forced my feet to start following the boy despite my unwillingness. But, then, my movement halted when Kevin grasped my wrist, swiftly turning me to face him.

"It's okay to have him with us, right?" He questioned and the concern was evidently painted over his face.

No, I'm not, was what my heart was telling me on the inside.

But, my head instructed the words to come out as, "Yes, of course."

Lying was never my intention. I hated to lie and I hated to be lied to. Nonetheless, if lying would mean for me to see such a bright smile of Kevin Moon, I wouldn't mind either. Again, my red flags.

Guilt was creeping into my heart as his orbs glowed. He probably felt so relieved at my short answer despite I wasn't being honest about it. I felt bad yet again I did not want to change it. So, I wandered my gaze around the area, finding something to be interested in.

"W-Why here though?" I asked, still, avoiding his gaze. "We could go to many places other than amusement parks."

"I want to..." He paused, suddenly looking nervous. He bit his lip as he stared down at his feet, a ton of guilt was weighing him down. "Hmm... Remember when we went to the carnival together where I asked what kind of man you preferred to date?"

I nodded almost instantly. For, no way I would forget that.

"I still feel bad about it. My action probably was driving you insane. After all, I kept running away from you afterwards."

"Huh! Too insane to be precise," I rolled my eyes in a joking manner and then he hit my arm. "Ouch!"

"I'm serious!"

"Me too!"

"Ivy..." There was a drag in his tone that told me that I should stop now. So, I zipped my lips and beckoned him to continue. And that was when Kevin Moon breathed in a large amount of oxygen before he explained, "I left you in great pain that day which I know might have left a scar in your heart."

No, it's no more there.

"I've hurt you so many times but you still accept me back into your life," he exhaled and slowly intoxicated me into his soft gaze. "Ivy, I couldn't heal the scar but I would like to make up to you. Today, let's go back to that day and enjoy everything like how we should."

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