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I seemed to have learned a new lesson. Not to believe Ju Haknyeon.

It was the day when I was working on the important part of my book in Evelyn's and Jacob's book cafe - the office was suffocating, that Haknyeon came with a reason 'to check on me.' How sweet that could be seen as I neared to shed tears at his sweetness.

And it had come to this, he queued up at the counter, listing out the drinks and pastries and some meals he wanted to order.

Feel free to imagine that I would be the one who pays.

"And... next week, you will have a meet and greet session," Rosie informed, she had come with Haknyeon earlier but chose to sit with me at the table instead of joining the boy at the counter.

The mention of the session never failed to make me shiver. I still couldn't find the courage to interact with many people which probably had made Sangyeon come up with a great plan to ensure that all Moonlights would get the chance to interact personally with me. So, he would break them into a small group for each session that would be announced through the page.

I liked how he would be so understanding.

"Do you hear it?" Rosie suddenly raised my anxiety at the question. I broke my gaze from my laptop and shifted to her across from me. "Sangyeon had chosen the designer. I heard he will be coming today."

"He?" It unfortunately escaped my lips and sounded too thick. "Sangyeon is hiring a male?"

Rosie nodded and I could feel my energy drained. I would have a hard time adjusting with the guy and I hoped he wouldn't feel discomfort to be around me. Haknyeon nearly quit when he first joined because he said I wasn't friendly but actually I was just awkward to be in a male presence.

"Bring him here some other days, Rosie," Evelyn who happened to hear our conversation joined, suggesting an idea that I couldn't comprehend. "We can do a briefing for him to understand Ivy."

"Alright!" Rosie saluted, showing her obedience. I didn't lie that sometimes I found her cute.

It was then, that her phone rang, and Sangyeon's name appeared ever so clearly. Rosie excused herself to take the call, leaving me and Evelyn at the table and exchanging an infamous glance that led to us cackling next.

"I wonder how Kevin will react once he knows that your new teammate is a male," she playfully raised a brow.

"Beat me..." I sighed, fumbling with the keyboards. "I can tell he is the type who won't mix work and personal."

"He is still a man, Ivy," Jacob then interfered after delivering an order to a table. "He still can feel jealous but Kevin is the type who won't confront."

I'd like to see him confronting once. Wasn't it said that jealousy meant love? Maybe unconditionally?

My phone then dinged a notification and it was unusual which made me instantly check. But, then, I regretted it so much. Hadn't I taken a look at it, I probably wouldn't doubt my eyesight whether I saw it correctly or not.

Much to my hope to receive a love letter through the messaging apps, however, what I saw right now was a notification from the bank showing the amount of money spent. My head immediately whipped to the counter where Haknyeon came from with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you, Ivy. May God bless you," he beamed as he placed my card on the table.

I was at a loss for words, no, I couldn't say anything. Who would spend 3 digits at a cafe for 1 person? Really, I shouldn't have believed him.

"You are killing my account, Haknyeon..." I said, sounding too soullessly. My head was spinning, all alphabets on my laptop were now mixed up in the air.

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