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"I am so frustrated!"

A yell was heard from the entrance, which sounded like the highest octave which made all heads inside this cafe whip towards the demeanour. Even Kevin who was sleeping immediately woke up, probably wondering if there was an earthquake. I swore I felt this building shaking.

It was Chanhee who just lost his mind. I believed he would regret his action a while later because he wasn't the kind of an extrovert who would yell in the crowd like this. Jacob was quick to dismiss him and apologize to all the customers for the ruckus that happened. And just like that Choi Chanhee was brought to the staff room to calm down.

Phew, lucky that boy hadn't seen me yet. Otherwise, he would drag me into a problem too. Who knew if he would yell my name out loud?

Kevin was still in a daze. Being half sleepy, he pushed back the hoodie that covered his head before he yawned and did a little stretch. My instinct told me he hadn't noticed my presence yet and somehow it was quite a picturesque view to see him doing something unawarely.


He stretched his arms to the back of his body when he scanned the table and couldn't find his iPad. Subconsciously, he looked in my direction, at my face first and then at the device in my grasp. His brows slightly furrowed, his lips were apart and his head pondered as if he was comprehending what was happening.

A few seconds later, his neurons seemed to have connected when his right hand moved at the speed of lightning, snatching the device away from me. It ended up being in his embrace, close to his muscular chest.

He breathed out afterwards - most funnily way with eyes almost closed.

"T-Trespassing is a c-crime," he stuttered.

I was supposed to be scared but no, I laughed. First: because he looked so flustered for getting caught. Second: his humour which I barely remembered back in schooldays really matched mine.

"I like it," I raised a brow, chinning towards his device. "The book cover you designed for me."

"Y-You like it?" He started to soften, loosening the tight hug of the device. Why did I feel like I was taking care of a 5-year-old toddler?

"I always believe in your creativity," I smiled, asserting my back comfortably against the chair. "But..."

I was hesitant to continue. Because it wouldn't only disappoint him but also break me. It was hard to say it aloud but it was a reality nobody could deny.

"Why?" He started to be concerned, he even moved his chair closer to me. "Ivy?"

I clenched the hem of my blouse tight as I stared at his monolid eyes. They were sparkling like they were full of hope. How could I dare to stop the glow?

"We can't use an outsider's design. That's why Sangyeon hires an illustrator..." I bit my lip. I saw that hopeful sparkling eyes suddenly dimmed down. It pained me so much.

But, Kevin pretended like he was fine, like he understood. He pulled up a smile which I knew was not genuine.

"Of course, I know," he pursed his lips. "I don't know what to do earlier, so, I just... drew."


If I had a superpower, it would be the ability to tell whether one was lying or not. And right now, as he forced the corner of his lips to lift upwards while avoiding eye contact, I was too sure that it was a lie. A big fat lie.

"Kevin..." I called, reaching for the sleeve of his hoodie. I grasped it tight, proving to him that I didn't mean to hurt him. He hummed as he finally looked at me, but I didn't dare to see him in the eyes but his hand. "If anything, I would want you to be a part of the journey of my book. I want you to be credited even for a simple thing, I want everyone to know that you are contributing to the birth of my book. But, it's the rule..."

"Hey," his soft voice immediately made me look up, meeting his now genuine smile. "I'm fine, Ivy. I understand. Like I said, I just drew it for fun. Who knows, later, you will need it."

Wait... A bulb flickered on in my brain and it was bright. Too bright! Yes, I got an idea.

Didn't Haknyeon say he wanted to change the theme for Moonlight's page? For whatever insane opinions, nobody could deny the fact that Kevin Moon was the admin of that page. He had full access and he could do anything he liked because it was his benefit to be the admin, the leader.

So, if this art would be used later for that page, it wouldn't be a problem. For, it was a part of the agreement Sangyeon dealt with Kevin when the boss wanted to give full support.

"I hope you won't be busy in the next few days," I smirked and he flinched, slightly taken aback.


"Because I-"


Damn. Choi Chanhee must have seen me and just like I predicted, he yelled out my name. Every eye in the cafe was now looking at me, thanks to him for pointing it out.

"Oh my gosh," I almost cursed but right now what was important was to hide my face from all the attention. I wouldn't lie that I might faint soon if they kept staring.

"You two are here!" The boy plopped down on the vacant seat, smiling ever so endearingly like he'd never caused any ruckus.

"God, Chanhee. Why are you so loud?" Faye whom I never noticed the arrival joined us, almost smacking Chanhee on the head. "You're catching attention."

"Thank you for telling him my inner thoughts!" I said, and the sarcasm was too full to not be noticed.

"What made you so frustrated?" Kevin asked him, recalling the first line he said upon his arrival.

Chanhee sighed, looking glum. Normally, there would be only one reason for his current state. And if I was correct, it would be...

"My crush..."

Yes, I am right.

"Why though? Is she ignoring you again?" Evelyn then joined, navy blue apron hugging her body.

"No... not that," Chanhee sighed again. It felt so wrong to see him like that. Especially, when we were in the same community before. A heartbroken community. But, I left after Kevin's confession and now he was there alone.

"I think, you should just ambush her," it was then, that Jacob suggested, but all faces around the table seemed to be disagreed. "What? Men have to be brave. Just go to her house and confront her. Tell her that you are serious."

"I'm sorry to say this..." I interfered, standing in the spotlight as all of them were looking at me. That is a bit pressuring. "If I am the girl, I will not come out of the house. Why make a ruckus at someone's household?"

"Lucky, I didn't do that," I heard Kevin mumble in the other direction not to be so obvious with his thought. Which actually almost made me burst into a fit of laughter.

Luckily, Faye voiced her opinion. So, our attention fixated on her real quick.

"I also want it to be private," was what she said as she nodded.

Jacob looked like he was about to cry. Perhaps, he thought he knew everything about girls - especially his girl, but yes, I could confirm that there were still a lot that boys had to dig.

It was then, that Chanhee whined, kicking the air under the table in the process. Then, he cried - I thought so, but no tears came out.

Dramatic as it unveiled, he then wiped the imaginary tears, "She doesn't even respond to me."

"Respond to... what?" Kevin spoke up, blinking confusingly.

"A permission if I can come to see her parents. I want to have their blessings to get to know their daughter."

Wow, just wow. For all this time, I thought Jacob was the fastest in deciding to build a relationship. But, then, there was Choi Chanhee who was faster than anyone else. Directly wanting to meet her parents was something I never imagined a man would have the courage to do.

Would Kevin Moon be the same?

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