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"Take a rest first, Ivy," Rosie advised, bringing a cup of instant coffee from the pantry into my office, and placing it on my desk before she collected the book I just signed and put it aside. "You look like a zombie."

What did she expect? It had been the fourth day since I started doing this. At one point, I felt like my hand was moving by itself to draw a signature.

"Please tell me I'm doing a good job," I said, melting my head onto the top of the wooden surface of the desk.

"Of course, you are," she grinned, slowly plopping down on the seat across from me as she scanned the remaining untouched stocks. "Sangyeon said a few thousand have been distributed. It's quite impressive that you've finished that much on the fourth day."

I sighed, forcing a painful smile as I straightened my body. Grabbing the coffee cup to absorb the warmth, the lukewarm transferred to my skin somehow reminded me of the weather outside.

Spring is almost over.

A tint of sadness washed over me as I glanced over at the window to access the outer world. The sunlight was too bright these days, the light radiated was enough to make people rush to find a shade or refuse to be outside for too long. However, I wished for the opposite.

I wished I could be outside for as long as I wanted, embracing the last spring breeze that hit my skin, enjoying the rarest sight of cherry blossoms that would only bloom back in the next spring, and saying goodbye to the most memorable memory I had during this spring.

I wish I could spend the rest of spring with Kevin.

"Rosie..." I called her name, still eyeing the outside world through the glass. She hummed in response which sounded a bit confused. "Do you agree when people say that spring is the beginning of something new?"

"Huh?" From the corner of my eyes, I saw her pondering. "Well, I am no poetic and neither did I know how to. But, maybe, that makes sense."

"Why so?" I whipped my head towards her.

Rosie was in deep thought. Nonetheless, she didn't look stressed about it. She was calm, arranging words to be said.

"For me, spring has an aura that makes us more ambitious than we always do. Oh, I've read somewhere that a man surprisingly will have the courage to get a woman during spring. I wonder why is that?" She pondered again, too absorbed in her own thoughts to realize that I had frozen.

Subtle gulp unknowingly went down my throat, my eyes uncontrollably widened in a great slow motion and my heart seemed to forget how to beat. Why was it so intriguing? A man will have the courage to get a woman...

"During spring..." I mumbled and immediately cleared my throat, shifting the tension before Rosie could read my mind. "I could agree."

"You could?"

"Mhm..." I smiled. In my head, I was telling her my story. A great thing happened to me in spring.

Rosie seemed to want to hear more although I had no plan telling. It could be really awkward if we kept turning and tossing in the same topic that would have no continuation. And I must thank the phone call she received abruptly while I downed the coffee she made.

"Oh..." Her face scrunched as she spoke with the other person at the end of the line. "Okay, noted. Thanks."

Ending the call, she looked for my orbs that were holding thousands of curiosities. On top of everything I was asking why when our eyes met.

"Do you expect any delivery? The front desk called and they said you have to collect it yourself," she informed me which I couldn't help frowning.

"I... don't think so," I blinked, recalling my shopping history. But, again, I never arranged for any parcel to be sent to my workplace, it would always be my house. "I shall take a look."

A few voices in my head were discussing what it could be accompanying me in the elevator, I didn't lie that it was actually quite scary. If it was another gift from Moonlight, there would be no rule that I had to come by myself, Haknyeon was whom they needed.

"Is it from Evelyn?" I questioned to myself as the ding blared through the speaker, swiftly opening the door.

This building had quite strict security in deciding who could access inside which was the reason why I still had an ounce of braveness left in me to check it out. If I was in other places, I would've ignored it.

However, when I arrived at the lobby, I somehow doubted my decision to come down, the only person who presented other than the two staff behind the desk and the security guard was a man in all black. But, after a few seconds of studying his posture, his lean back and his style, my shoulders slumped.

"Kevin?" I called rather confidently, he swiftly turned on his heels, drawing a wide grin on his face.

"Hi..." He greeted back. He looked like he was scanning my tired face and his smile faded. "Am I disturbing you?"

"No..." I charged forward, closing the gap between us. "I'm glad you come. But, why are you here?"

"Urm..." He rubbed his nape. "I couldn't sleep at night after our phone call that day. When you said a homeless was trying to approach you. You suddenly got too silent for days and I became worried."


So, this was what Kevin Moon would bring to the table.

The corner of my lips instantly jerked up, causing numbness to be planted on my cheekbones. It hurt but I had no desire to let it fade. Have to secure it while I can.

But, I couldn't lie that a small part of my heart was wrenching. Simply because I was aware that it was all totally a mere lie. No homeless was trying to approach me and Kevin just wasted his time traveling all the way here.

I unknowingly sighed, and the smile I kept eventually fell. Kevin probably noticed, his hand immediately grasping my wrist, shifting my whole attention into his monolid eyes.

"You good?" He asked.

That's it. I couldn't bring myself to lie to him anymore. Maybe, I should tell and apologize for causing a useless concern.

"Actually, I-"

"Oh, who we have here?"

The voice that echoed in the same space we were standing snapped me out of the current emotion, breaking the shared gaze I had with Kevin. I turned in the direction it came and found three figures looking at us differently.

The one who was asking was Sangyeon, he looked truly surprised to find Kevin in the lobby of his company. On his right side, I found Haknyeon's face with an assuring smile adorning his cute features which instantly brought my memory back to yesterday when we were in my office.

"But Ivy, you know... sometimes there are some things that are best to keep unsaid," he told me as he finally understood my concern about lying in my relationship.

A faint nod he sent to me right now was telling don't worry, you make the right thing, which had concluded everything. I made up my mind - I won't tell Kevin the truth.

Kevin's grasp around my wrist was firm - suddenly. Firmer than earlier. It got me wondering why but when I shifted my gaze to Sangyeon's left side and found Hong Joochan staring down at our hands, I seemed to understand and was quite taken aback.

Does Kevin Moon just provoke the other guy there?

"What a coincidence to meet you two here," Sangyeon strode closer, offering a handshake to Kevin. "I was about to go and see Ivy."

"Huh? Why?" I furiously blinked.

"Let's talk upstairs," Sangyeon beckoned to the elevator, shoving both his hands in his pockets in the process. "Let's join us, Kevin."

My boyfriend was flustered. "No... no... I shall wait for Ivy in Jacob's cafe."

"Ayee!!" Haknyeon chimed in, joining us and patting Kevin's muscular biceps. "Good things should be shared. You are Ivy's bo... ah... admin page. You have the right to know as well."

Haknyeon's awkward laughter really made my day. But, that didn't stop me from questioning.

"What good things did you mean?"

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