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I had no right to complain and neither did I have the right to rule this company. Sangyeon was the owner and everyone inside this building should accept every decision he made even in selecting staff.

But, I couldn't seem to accept it well. On top of everything, I did not understand how or why this encounter happened now when I just started a new relationship.


The soft call of my name from the phone I put against my ear snapped me back to reality, the furious beating of my heart echoed within the four walls of the restroom I locked myself in. I sensed worry tinting in Kevin's voice, probably he too was startled to suddenly receive my call.

"I shouldn't have disturbed you now, right? We just hung up on each other," I chuckled, trying to sound normal despite the heavy breathing in my system and the faint tremble all over my body.

"No... If I can take your call, that means I'm free," he said which I imagined him running a hand through his hair. "Are you okay? You sound different from earlier."

Up until here, which path of truth should I tell? If I swerved to the left side, I would have to tell him that I would be working with my ex who just happened to join the team starting from today. And what? I informed him just to let him know so that we wouldn't face any conflicts later? What was the guarantee that nothing would happen anyway?

But, if I took another side, I should tell him that I was still trembling from nearly getting hit by maybe a few cars hadn't for Haknyeon who pulled me to the curb. That wouldn't be a lie.

So, I made up my mind and I told him the second point. He didn't react much - just like what I'd expected, because he was Kevin Moon. However, he chose to stab me with a confused 'How?'

In the end, it led me to tell him the first point. But, that seemed wouldn't be the case.

"I... suddenly felt dizzy, I couldn't see well," I lied, and Kevin then breathed out. He seemed to have lost for words as well, unable to find anything to say. "I'm sorry. I guess I just need someone to tell."

"How are you feeling now?" He questioned in a monotone. I swore I was dying to see the expression on his face. How would he portray his worry?

"Better than earlier. Sangyeon said, I probably lack of sugar," I shrugged though he couldn't see me.

There was a commotion on his end for what I assumed someone was talking to him. The next thing that happened was he apologized to me that he needed to hang up again.

"Use the coupon I sent earlier. Make sure you eat well," he reminded me before we mutually ended the call.

This whole thing made me ponder. Would it be okay if I didn't tell Kevin about him? But, what could it be? We would be colleagues and only that. Nothing could go overboard.

Or was that only what I thought?

When I came out of the restroom, I didn't think of anything else. I just wanted to be in my compartment - my own safe zone, away from any nuisance. But, a plan never had a guarantee that it would be fulfilled.

Right there, in the hallway, leaning against the wall, both of his hands pocketed, and his trembled lower lip was bitten, he was waiting for me. Everything about him was the same as what I could recall while we were dating back then. Except, we weren't sharing a mutual feeling anymore.

Hong Joochan, a dork I called a gentleman back in the university. We were dating for a few years before I chose to end it for some valid reasons, of course. Looking back, I must say, that he deserved the spot in this company as the designer. His touch on drawings would always receive recognition back then. For sure, he still got his touch.

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