Chapter 28

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Both the entangled Y/N and Naoto are transported into a grassland via a photo-negative barrier. Though, Y/N was dropped several feet up in the air and to the ground.

Y/N: "Oww..."

Despite that, Y/N manages to get back up on his feet as the disembodied voice speaks up.

System: "Having a mock battle instead of collecting stamps? Are you guys for real?"

Hearing her clearly upset tone, Naoto asks.

Naoto: "Why the hell do you care?"

System: "I care because only I can authorize a match to occur or not. You can't just start one without me knowing."

Upon hearing her words, Y/N lightly smirks as he comments.

Y/N: ("She didn't notice that mock battle until it finished... sounds like she was preoccupied with something else.") "And here I thought you teleported us here because one of them offered to form an alliance with us."

System: "That too. I'll have a word with those two so, see you later."

And with that, the voice goes silent, signaling that she left them be. With a sigh, Y/N is quite relieved that the whole mess with Mitsuru and Akihiko is over. Until Naoto turns to the hostage himself and asks.

Naoto: "Uhm, Y/N, if you don't mind me asking... why didn't you trust Mitsuru and Akihiko back there?"

Y/N: ("Ah great.") "What do you mean by that?"

Naoto: "Well... it's almost like you weren't keen on sharing information with them. Why's that?"

After a moment of pause, Y/N replies back.

Y/N: "Of course I didn't trust them. I mean, Akihiko wanted to fight us for no other reason than to test our strength. Hell, he pressured us to get involved in it and I was not all for it."

Naoto: "Didn't you want me to fight them alongside Akatsuki?"

Y/N: "Sure, I may have said that, but I thought we would leave after that and they wouldn't bother us anymore."

Naoto: "Well, I understand that, but what about Mitsuru? She seems reasonable enough."

With a short groan, the ensnared Y/N answers back.

Y/N: "Look, I'm just a little... paranoid. So, I prefer to interact with the contestants from other worlds as little as possible."

Naoto: "I get that, but-"

He's immediately cut off when Y/N shouts.

Y/N: "Oh look, there's a rainforest over there."

A bit puzzled, Naoto follows his gaze to discover an actual rainforest a good distance away from them. Y/N continues speaking before walking towards it.

Y/N: "Let's go and check it out. There might be a checkpoint there."

His ally just stares after him for a moment before exhaling shortly. Naoto decides to put this discussion on hold for now as he follows after him. Before long, the two hike through a dirt path that isn't covered in grass or other vegetation. The dense trees and foliage makes it somewhat difficult to search for any indication of a checkpoint. They also have to keep their eyes peeled for any potential danger that may spring out to them. They soon come across a decent-sized clearing where they spot none other than Team CFVY.

 They soon come across a decent-sized clearing where they spot none other than Team CFVY

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