Chapter 11

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Still on their break, Ruby and the tied-up Y/N remain in their hiding spot. The only difference is that Y/N currently has his head placed on Ruby's lap as she gently caresses his hair. Glancing at the red-hooded girl, Y/N asks her.

Y/N: "Isn't my punishment over, Rubes?"

With a smile, Ruby answers back.

Ruby: "It is. We're just resting for a couple more minutes. Also, I want to play with your hair... I wonder if I can make a knot."

Y/N: "Please don't do that."

This gets a giggle out of the team leader as she continues to play with his hair, while stroking his head every now and then. This lasts for more than a couple of minutes as Ruby moves Y/N"s head to make him look at her as she asks.

Ruby: "Enjoy your rest, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hm, I should be asking you that, Rubes."

Ruby: "For the most part, yeah. And did you?"

Y/N: "Well, I managed to go through your 'punishment' for a while and resting on your lap felt quite nice."

His words make Ruby quite pleased to hear this as she remarks happily.

Ruby: "Glad to hear it. If you want to do this again, then I wouldn't mind."

As she said this, the entangled Y/N slowly pulled his head up as he now sits with her as he comments.

Y/N: "Thanks. Didn't expect your lap to be so comfy."

WIth a confident smile, the red-hooded girl places her hands on her hips as she replies.

Ruby: "Of course. I never skip leg day, you know."

Glancing at her, Y/N then retorts back.

Y/N: "Yeah, more like your thighs to be honest."

His comment prompts Ruby to visibly pout for his teasing as she notices him gazing at her thighs despite being concealed by her combat skirt.

Ruby: Mm, let me have my moment here."

Rolling his eyes in amusement, the tied-up Y/N slowly stands up.

Y/N: "Right, right. Anyway, we should get moving now."

Ruby: "Ah, right."

The team leader also gets back on her feet along with him. What Y/N wasn't expecting is Ruby approaching him and giving him a deep kiss on the lips for a moment before parting ways. A bit puzzled by her sudden action, Y/N asks her.

Y/N: "What was that for, Rubes?"

With a good smile on her face, the red-hooded girl answers back.

Ruby: "Consider it as a kiss for good luck."

Y/N: "But we're not splitting off or anything like that."

Ruby: "I know. Like I said, for good luck to us."

Y/N: "Ah, I see. What? You want me to do the same thing to you?"

Ruby: "Go for it. It might double our good luck."

Amused by her words, the ensnared Y/N goes over and kisses her, which she fully embraces. This lasted for only a moment as they parted lips and locked eyes with one another. Placing her hand on the side of his face, Ruby speaks up.

Ruby: "Let's get going."

In response, Y/N nods in agreement as Ruby removes her hand away from his face.

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