Chapter 18

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After several minutes of strolling by, the entangled Y/N and his group are greeted with what looks like an open field with stones, bushes, and trees littered everywhere. A location Y/N is all too familiar with at this point as they make their way through. During this, Y/N has already gotten off of Minerva's second pair of large arms as he would reiterate his explanation and somewhat brief info dumping to Naoto and Celica, who are doing their best to absorb his words.

Y/N: ("Can't exactly blame them. This is a lot of information for them to comprehend.")

Of course, Y/N left out certain parts. Like how his team and himself defeated System or XX, which led to her being brought into his world as a keystone, how he has been nothing but hurtful and verbally abusive to XX, and all the lovey-dovey stuff he did with his teammates in the Phantom Field. Regardless, Y/N would watch them contemplate for a moment or two until they focused their gazes on him.

Celica: "I... see. Thank you for telling us this, Y/N."

Naoto: "Yeah, we appreciate it, even if it was a lot to process."

Minerva: "..."

Y/N: "Hm, you're welcome."

Celica: "Still, I never expected you would go through such an ordeal like that."

With a somewhat confident tone, the smirking hostage would reply.

Y/N: "Well, I managed to scrape by, all things considered. Though, I had my teammates to back me up."

Naoto: "Which reminds me... what do your teammates look like anyway?"

Celica: "Ah, that's right. You never told us that part yet and their names too."

Minerva: "..."

Y/N: "Oh yeah... well, I'll tell you then."

This led to the discussion at hand with Y/N describing what his teammates look like, commenting on their eye color, the color and length of their hair, and their battle outfits along with telling their names.

Celica: "Combat skirts... never heard of them?"

Y/N: "Yeah, well two of my teammates are quite proud of them."

Naoto: "Really? For combat?"

Y/N: "I mean, Celica over here is wearing a skirt and fights while wearing it so..."

Celica: "I see. I can understand the sentiment behind these combat skirts now."

Naoto: "You do? That was fast."

The hostage that is Y/N just chuckles for a bit as they make their way to an abandoned temple at the center of this open field they're currently in. The sight of this ruined temple a good distance away from them catches their attention with Celica perking up.

Celica: "Hey, maybe there's a checkpoint in there."

Naoto: "Well, let's check it out."

Y/N: "Just keep your eyes peeled, people."

Naoto: "Right. There's a chance we might get ambushed."

Celica: "Minerva, keep Y/N safe."

Minerva silently nods to her as she has one of her large robot-like hands around the ensnared Y/N. They slowly make their way to the demolished temple, while checking their surroundings for any potential danger. Y/N is doing the same but, as they draw closer and closer to the temple's entrance, he overheard some familiar voices. Voices coming from behind a lone, damaged wall, which the other three also heard as well.

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