Chapter 21

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After minutes of walking, Y/N and his group stroll through yet another open field, where bushes, a handful of trees, and boulders of different sizes and shapes are scattered everywhere. These boulders are either barely or half submerged into the ground as they are accompanied by the surrounding vegetation. Weaving through the field with the others, Naoto groans out.

Naoto: "Ugh, this is a lot of walking to find a checkpoint. I'm starting to think we're lost."

Y/N: "Well... maybe we should ask if we're getting close to one?"

His suggestion prompts Celica to perk up.

Celica: "Ah! That's a great idea, Y/N."

Minerva: "..."

Naoto: "Huh... I should've asked then... Hey, System! Are we close to a checkpoint or not?!"

However, all he gets is complete silence from the voice. Either she isn't present at the moment or choosing to remain quiet, they are unsure. The entangled Y/N believes it's the latter, but then again, he wouldn't be surprised if it was the former. Regardless, Naoto let out a defeated sigh.

Naoto: "The one time we want to speak to her, she just doesn't respond."

Celica: "But it was worth a shot at least."

Giving a reassuring smile to him, the hostage remarks.

Y/N: "Yeah... don't let it get to you. She always ignores my questions."

Naoto: "She does?"

Y/N: "Yep."

Naoto: "Man, she must really not like you."

Y/N: "No kidding."

Celica: "I wonder why though...?"

Minerva: "..."

Unlike them, Y/N can come up with a few good reasons as to why, but of course, he chooses to answer them differently.

Y/N: "Hm, I'm just an outlier she decided to bring. An incentive for others to partake in this dumb tournament."

Upon hearing this, Naoto and Celica respond back.

Naoto: "Regardless of the reason she has, it's still not right that you have endured this much."

Celica: "I agree. Which is why we should be thankful that we came across one another."

Minerva: "..."

Naoto: "Heh, you got that right."

With a soft smile, the ensnared Y/N answers.

Y/N: "Thanks guys."

He then gets a pat on his back by Minerva, much to his short-lived surprise.

Minerva: "..."

Y/N: "Uhm... thanks, Minerva."

The hostage then turns to Celica as he watches her looking around the area.

Y/N: "Is there something wrong, Celica?"

Celica: "Nothing is wrong... it's just... I think I've been here before."

This perks up the brown-haired guy as he asks.

Naoto: "Wait, you have?"

With a bright smile, the girl responds briefly.

Celica: "Yeah!"

Somewhat doubtful by her statement, Y/N comments.

Y/N: "You sure? I mean, this Phantom Field place tends to have more open fields than other notable locations."

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