Author's Notes

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A/N: I only come to know about this game because of RWBY's affiliation to it. I remembered watching a video over the game's trailer where a crowd (in the video) was watching it. And the moment Ruby appeared in it, everyone erupted with cheers. The only time I have ever seen this level of hype is when Joker from Persona 5 is in Smash. Aside from that, I have not actually played this game, but I have seen videos on it. So, I decided to make a fanfic on it since it has RWBY, even if it only has five notable characters in it. I won't be doing one for Ice Queendom or any of those DC crossovers for that matter. Especially Ice Queendom since that anime will end up retconning and rehashing things from previous fanfics I've done.

As a reminder to my fellow readers, this fanfic is just an "experimental phase" as opposed to my other fanfics I've done previously. So, don't expect too much from it as I'm merely testing the water with a crossover that I'm sort of not too familiar with. Especially since it doesn't revolve around on just RWBY. This is also so I can practice my writing and get a bit more creative with it. Other than that, I hope you enjoy reading this experimental fanfic of mine once its published. 👍 

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